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how do i tell my mom i want a adhd diagnosis.

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 7 Confirmed not a robot
edited August 24 in Health & Wellbeing
before u read i have dyslexia so good luck

hi, im kinda new here. if u dont know me im sand and in 15 yo. im curentrly struggeling with me thinking i have adhd. i show a lot of symtoms: I struggle with concentration, sitting still, interrupting people, can’t start/ procrastinating task that take a lot of thinking, having a long “rant” about my interest and then realising people don’t care about it(not sure if that is adhd), bad sleep problems, always losing stuff, forgetting what I needed to do and lastly needing to read a paragraph a few times before understanding it ( could also be dyslexia).

this realisation started with school. at first i did not need to do anything for school and did not need to study. later on it kep getting harder aspecialy when i went up a level(dutch school system is weird). but one thing in common is that i always would find it realy hard to focus and i it felt realy hard to start on a long project. at first i tought that it was me being lazy. then i kept getting adhd content on my fyp and it got me thinking. and i kept relising that i show a lot of symtomps. so i went an did a few selftest. i found out i had high likelyhood of having adhd. but im scared that i put in the "right" awnsers so im not lazy. and i dont want to go around and say i have adhd without a official test so i want to get one.

i know that i may have a harder time getting a job bc it catogorized as a disorder. but i want to get a diagnosis so i can get help and manage school, also i could get stimulands but im not sure about that because my friend said that it make u feel like a robot. il figure that out when i get there

the main problem is that im not sure how to say this to my mom. it took my sister like 5 year of asking for her getting a diagnosis. but she has been saying i should take my sisters adhd medicen (i dont know if she has adhd or it just a thing with autism) and the said that sometimes she thinks that i have adhd. i know stupid for me not to say anything at that moment but i just closed up. i wanted to do it a week ago but here i am. do you guys have any tips. my dad is out the picure.

also what is a adhd outburst or something like that. dont know what i exsacly means

greating snad

btw when i was making this post i got distracted like 3 times. im not sure if its placebo or real.


  • Former MemberFormer Member Moderator Posts: 197 Trailblazer
    edited August 26
    Hello @Snad

    I'm sorry you are having a hard time telling your mom about the possibility of having adhd and that you seem to be struggling with school. As a general rule, I would not recommend taking any medication that has not been prescribed to you, even if given by your sister.
    Here is a paper (https://www.adhdfoundation.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Advice-and-Guidance-for-students-with-ADHD.pdf) from ADHDfoundation with advice for students with ADHD. Even though you lack a diagnosis, you may still find the tips useful to manage all the symptoms you listed

    Here is an organisation with more resources you may find helpful.
    -ADHD Foundation provides skills, support and encouragement to those with ADHD and other neurodevelopmental conditions. They run young people's skills training sessions to help managing ADHD traits. There is a range of information on their website for young people, parents and carers on what you can do in order to help develop skills, as well as managing the tricky emotions that can come with ADHD. Their website is https://www.adhdfoundation.org.uk/

    I'm glad you can rely on your sister and that you feel comfortable discussing these things with her - is there any way of explaining the situation that would make your mother consider your symptoms more?

    in the meantime, we are all here to support you! Let us know if there are any specific things you may be struggling with
    Post edited by TheMix on
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 7 Confirmed not a robot

    thanks for your awser, i will definatly look into the paper. i think that somewhere this week i will try to bring it up, maybe im just overthinking this and just should go for it.

    i have a question tho, i somethimes do realy radical things and get realy mad all of a sudden and im kinda woried. this normaly happends a few times a week. and i really dont get why, also when this happends i tend to feel overwelmed. like once in a argument with 3 people against me i got overwelmed and called my friend a stalker because he called me a few times. idk if this is normal or not. is this weird?

    also im kinda "planning" on how im going to say it. and im going to put extra presure on the fact that if i get a diagonsis my life could get realy better. maybe she will see that it could realy benifit me, even tho the negative effects it could come with.

    thanks for ur help!
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