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Is it to late for me to make friends?

JMMV2005JMMV2005 Posts: 22 Boards Initiate
19M here, never really learned how to connect with people and am feeling isolated from not having any friends because of it, I want to try different things to change this but worried it’s to late or theres no opportunities for me


  • ameliaJayneameliaJayne Moderator Posts: 94 Budding Regular
    @JMMV2005 Thank you so much for reaching out and well done as i know it isn't always easy.

    It is never too late to connect with people and make new friends. Making friends can be done in lots of ways for example through clubs (like arts and crafts, sport, gaming, reading club etc) or through a job, online through apps, volunteer work and more!

    It can feel scary sometimes trying to find the confidence to connect with people however you can so do it.
    Friendships can take time to develop but it is never too late. Keep showing up, be consistent and over time you will definitely build deeper connections. <3
    You have got this. :3
  • JMMV2005JMMV2005 Posts: 22 Boards Initiate
    @ameliaJayne Yeah I’ll definitely join some clubs and stuff but they can be a little tricky to find in my area (I live in a small town)

    I just worry because everyone has their groups they met from school and I didn’t find my group so I’m gonna struggle because no one is interested since they have friends, and I just worry my best opportunity to make friends was in school but I missed out on that

    Making friends is difficult at this age but I guess the best I can do is keep trying things and just hope it works out but I’m pretty worried what will happen to me mentally if things don’t work out.
  • lunarcat522lunarcat522 Moderator Posts: 608 Incredible Poster
    @JMMV2005 It's never too late to make friends! It sounds really difficult dealing with feelings of isolation but you've made a great first step reaching out here and we have a wonderful community!

    It can be really difficult making friends, but you've definitely not missed your 'best' opportunity. School isn't for everyone (myself included!) so you're not alone in that regard.

    Like you've said all you can do is keep trying and the right people will come with time!

    Are you in college or university? Societies can be a pretty good way to meet people with common interests.

    There's also a friends option I think on the Bumble app that might be of interest to you?

    I've also personally found this website quite useful for navigating various social scenarios. They have some articles on making conversation and making friends:


    Let us know how you get on <3
  • JMMV2005JMMV2005 Posts: 22 Boards Initiate
    @lunarcat522 I’m currently not in college but in work so that makes it difficult, but I’m going on a carpentry course which is mostly online but every now and then I’ll go up to Cardiff to study in person, maybe I have an opportunity there…

    And about Bumble, I’d prefer to use irl resources to make friends as I feel it’ll be better but I guess maybe I should try, although I’d be quite nervous doing that.
  • fiona333fiona333 Posts: 172 Helping Hand
    Hi @JMMV2005

    Thanks for reaching out!

    As the others have said, it is never too late to make friends! People make new friends throughout their lives. You have been given some great advice too.

    You said you are in work, do you think you could make friends with the people you work or interact with at your workplace?

    You are also doing a carpentry course, do you think you could get in contact with the other people on the course and see if you would like to get to know them better?

    Places like Bumble are great for making friends too. It is a great way to learn how to connect with people and feel less isolated, this can help in real life too. Although, I understand being nervous about it, it can be intimidating and difficult to navigate.

    I wish you the best of luck with everything! Please keep us updated on everything.

    Best wishes,
    Fiona ◡̈
  • JMMV2005JMMV2005 Posts: 22 Boards Initiate
    @fiona333 I don’t really see myself connecting with the people at work as their not my age, and the carpentry course, well it’s mostly online but when I’m doing it in person maybe I have a chance of meeting people
  • annajameyannajamey Deactivated Posts: 1 Newbie
    Hi, It's never too late to make friends. At 19, you have an abundance of opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals, whether through hobbies, social activities, or even online communities. With an open mindset and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone, you can build meaningful connections and overcome feelings of isolation. Remember, the most important thing is to start taking small steps today towards expanding your social circle.
  • JMMV2005JMMV2005 Posts: 22 Boards Initiate
    @annajamey Thanks!, I have been trying to take small steps, just to push myself a little out my comfort zone then push my self a bit more out my comfort zone after that
  • JJLemon18JJLemon18 Community Champion Posts: 2,021 Boards Champion
    What can I say? I'm 21 and feel the same way! I wish I was still 19 haha. You'll have plenty of opportunities to meet and make new friends, you just have to take them (which is the hardest part). I'd say school makes it easy to meet with people since, well... you're kinda forced to. But that doesn't mean you can't go and make friends outside of that! Wising you best of luck! :)
    Believe in me - who believes in you
  • JMMV2005JMMV2005 Posts: 22 Boards Initiate
    @JJLemon18 Yeah I guess I just gotta do hard stuff like trying things out, I just hope it pays off
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