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I need to quit weed

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 8 Confirmed not a robot
edited August 13 in Drink & Drugs
Sooo I’ve been smoking weed for around 3 years and I’ve been buying it nearly everyday, I want to quit but I love smoking but at the same time it’s making me lazy and more depressed.

Any tips on how to quit smoking weed? Is there any withdrawal symptoms? And would quitting help improve my life?
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  • EmLizEmLiz Moderator, Staff Posts: 50 Boards Initiate
    Hey @MCourt03 thanks for getting in touch for some support with this. It sounds like you've recognised you want to make a change and are starting to take the steps to do just that - which is already the first step so well done.

    Before getting into it, I also hope you're doing okay as I know you mentioned it wasn't making you feel good within yourself <3 How are you doing?

    On quitting smoking, withdrawal symptoms and whether it would help to improve your life, I'm not sure if I'll be a huge help as some of that will be quite personal to you. I did find a good article about the different approaches you can take so I've linked it here in case you also find it useful! It talks a bit about going cold turkey or taking a gradual approach, as some of the specific ways people go about quitting as well. There are also some articles on The Mix website on cannabis and more general 'addiction', which may be useful to you so I'd recommend also taking a look there.

    The article also says the first step is identifying exactly why you want to quit, so well done for already having found that and starting the journey!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 8 Confirmed not a robot
    @EmLiz Thank you so much I'm sure this will be of great help! :)
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