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Happy Father's Day 💛

GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 1,057 Wise Owl
edited June 16 in General Chat
Father’s Day can be a difficult day for many of us. To anyone struggling today, we are sending our love and support 💛
Happy Father's Day
  • To all the wonderful, loving, supportive dads
  • To anyone who has lost a father or father figure
  • To people who have difficult father relationships
  • To those who stand in as dads & step-dads
  • To dads who have lost children
  • To anyone who can't be with their dad today
  • To new dads still adjusting to life with children
  • To those facing the challenges of infertility
  • To fathers who are doing the best they can
  • To anyone feeling pressured into fatherhood
  • To those who don't feel like 'traditional' dads
  • To the solo dads
  • To foster dads who care for kids with love
  • To those who will soon become dads
  • To dads who have positively changed lives
  • To mums who stand in as dads
  • To anyone who needs a little extra love today



  • sinead276sinead276 Posts: 1,420 Wise Owl
    Happy Father's Day to everyone - no matter which of the situations above you are in

    Sending big big hugs
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