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TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,950 Extreme Poster
Back in primary school and the early years of secondary school, I was just a young kid with hopes and dreams. But as time went on, doubts started creeping in, and by mid-Year 11, those doubts turned into harsh realities. Leaving school wasn't too tough, but the teachers' realistic feedback stung a bit—they told me I wasn't going to get the grades and I wasn't ready to work in the garage just yet. Getting kicked out of college for reasons beyond just academics added to the struggle. I tried another college, but it didn't work out either. I stayed there for a few terms, but I didn't like it. Years later, this was more recent, it was only at the start of the year I attempted a forklift course, but it didn't pan out either. Feeling like I've failed at everything I've done is tough. It's disheartening, and I can't shake off this feeling that I'm just a letdown, useless, and a failure. I'm worried about my future. I keep getting family making comments about things doubting me and stuff which makes me feel worse like atm I'm job hunting, I've made efforts with it, I've made a few changes but these comments just get to me and make feel like my efforts aren't credited and aren't good enough.


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 26 Boards Initiate

    It sounds as if you have had a really difficult past few years in trying to make a life for yourself and do what you enjoy in life. But you have been working hard towards it, and the fact is that you have tried multiple routes to get where you want to be- when one thing hasn't worked, you haven't given up and you have tried something else. That's a really wonderful thing and it shows that you do have determination.

    I understand how disheartening it can be when your family questions and doubts your ability. It can feel as if you are being put into a box so you can't fulfil your potential, as it can be important to feel that there are people around you who believe in you. And I can imagine that your family's behaviour has shaken your self-confidence a little too.

    I have faith that things will work out for you, please do not give up hope. And we are always here for you if you need to talk or have some support, and it would be great if you ever want to update us. <3
  • TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,950 Extreme Poster

    It sounds as if you have had a really difficult past few years in trying to make a life for yourself and do what you enjoy in life. But you have been working hard towards it, and the fact is that you have tried multiple routes to get where you want to be- when one thing hasn't worked, you haven't given up and you have tried something else. That's a really wonderful thing and it shows that you do have determination.

    I understand how disheartening it can be when your family questions and doubts your ability. It can feel as if you are being put into a box so you can't fulfil your potential, as it can be important to feel that there are people around you who believe in you. And I can imagine that your family's behaviour has shaken your self-confidence a little too.

    I have faith that things will work out for you, please do not give up hope. And we are always here for you if you need to talk or have some support, and it would be great if you ever want to update us. <3

    @willowtrees thanks so much genuinely, I was worried that no one was going to reply to this. All very kind words, I genuinely appreciate it.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 26 Boards Initiate
    @FordRanger no worries at all! I find myself in a similar situation to you at the moment, so I do really hope things will work out for you because I know how hard it is, and if you do ever post anything on here- I will try to respond as soon as I see it.
  • TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,950 Extreme Poster
    @FordRanger no worries at all! I find myself in a similar situation to you at the moment, so I do really hope things will work out for you because I know how hard it is, and if you do ever post anything on here- I will try to respond as soon as I see it.

    I hope things work out for you too truly
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