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Non-sexual kinks?

celestial_dogcelestial_dog Posts: 16 Settling in
Hello community!

[Mild TW for kink?]

I'm an artist. A digital artist at that. And every digital artist has probably come across a whole range of explicit or unusual content at some point. I started digital art when I was 11 or so, and I often looked to google for character ideas, I learned a lot from that honestly. Some things I did NOT want to see.
So, obviously I was curious, and I was particularly interested in the fantasy/ animal shifting aspect. At the time I had absolutely no clue what a kink was, and I didn't until my friends mentioned it in year 9. It kinda made sense that it was a kink, considering how much of the stuff was on there.
But I never felt anywhere near sexual about it? I still don't. But it's always fascinated me and is kind of a comfort zone? Like, if I'm really anxious at night or whatever, I'll write things about animal shape-shifters and things and it's just comforting. Maybe it's because I'm incredibly socially awkward and becoming an animal would be an escape? Or that I'm tired of the same thing and socialising and being an animal would be pretty cool and a fun change?
But I still feel like it's weird or gross? I dunno. But I think it's a very non sexual kink.
Any advice or help?
At heart, just a little bit of a good person


  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    Hi @celestial_dog I am quite similar to you in a way because I have a particular fascination with tf fictions or blueberry inflation/fruit transformation etc. I even listen to audio people have created sometimes. So your definitely not alone in feeling like you have some kinks. Im always here for you <3.

    Hugs <3
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • issieissie Moderator Posts: 56 Boards Initiate
    Hey, @celestial_dog - Firstly, I'm proud of you for sharing this! I know this kind of thing can be difficult to talk about, so well done <3

    Secondly, even though I'm aware you said it doesn't feel sexual right now, I just wanted to stress that the world of kink & human sexuality is so broad that it can be pretty confusing for us to navigate but I want to reiterate that it is in no way weird or gross. When it comes to kinks, as long as they are consensual & not harming any beings, then they are yours to explore freely!

    To me, it sounds like this is a really fun, creative escape and I can imagine that it is a very comforting escape especially if you are experiencing anxiety. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this kind of expression & your drawings sound super cool. And do remember that it's okay to have interests and enjoy things without needing to put a label on yourself, especially as you are still figuring things out.

    I hope this helps a little bit :3
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