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Lonely ramble

AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 2,378 Boards Champion
edited May 15 in Health & Wellbeing
Does anyone else get this thing where you feel rubbish repeatedly at the same time each year? Like this time of year was hard for me in 2021 because of the specific stuff going on then, and now it’s just always a rough time. It’s miserable. I get similar in like November time. Why can’t I move on?

I feel kind of insignificant and like I don’t really matter to anyone, and I think it’s partly because this is how I felt at this time of year previously. It’s so weird.

I’m scared to go to university. It’s such a big deal and I don’t feel at all ready. I hate it when things change.

I feel like I’m the only person who really exists. I feel so distant from everyone. It’s really hard to focus on important things and act grown up when I just want someone to be my mum. I don’t understand what’s wrong. I just wish it felt like people really cared.

Also: how do I stop being so clingy and reliant on one person?
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  • lunarcat522lunarcat522 Moderator Posts: 608 Incredible Poster
    @AnonymousToe I absolutely get this around autumn time due to also stuff from 2021 and it upsets me to be honest because autumn/winter is such a pretty time of year and I would love to enjoy it on its own.

    I'm also going to uni for the first time in September so I'm in a similar position to you and also struggle with change. Is there anyone you could contact like student support for an extended transition plan for things like tours, meeting some of the teaching team, etc?

    I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling insignificant and like the only person that exists it sounds really isolating.

    I'm not really sure how you can stop being reliant on one person but this is something I do too <3
  • AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 2,378 Boards Champion
    Hi @lunarcat522 thanks for replying. <3
    I’m sorry you experience the same thing in the autumn time, hopefully it doesn’t last long.
    Yeah, there’s transition support available at some of the unis I’ve applied to (still haven’t decided where to go lol) so I think that will help.
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