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Anyone wanna be friends

joshy123joshy123 Posts: 58 Boards Initiate
Hii I'm Joshua I'm 16 I'm from Northern Ireland but I live in Cheshire I was wondering if anyone wants to be friends I love music I could talk about music for hours and hours I also love marvel and f1 I'm really awkward but friendly:)


  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 The Mix Regular
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  • Katie12Katie12 Posts: 317 The Mix Regular
    hey Joshua
    I love the Marvel films!! Do you have a favourite? I can never pick one so usually go with a top 3 :lol:
  • joshy123joshy123 Posts: 58 Boards Initiate
    @Katie12 I can't pick lol I love them all so much
  • libbystrawberrylibbystrawberry Community Champion Posts: 608 Incredible Poster
    hey joshua i lovee music too its like my escape
    I got secrets, that nobody knows
  • ameliaJayneameliaJayne Moderator Posts: 94 Budding Regular
    @joshy123 Hey! What sort of music do you like to listen to/who is your favourite artist?
    Who is your favourite marvel character?
  • dyoverdxdyoverdx Posts: 54 Boards Initiate
    joshy123 wrote: »
    Hii I'm Joshua I'm 16 I'm from Northern Ireland but I live in Cheshire I was wondering if anyone wants to be friends I love music I could talk about music for hours and hours I also love marvel and f1 I'm really awkward but friendly:)

    Sure I’m dyoverdx and I’m 23 and love my music too. I don’t have a fixed genre, well not after my MCR phase.

    Polite reminder: I don’t mean to a nag but be careful about overfamiliarising yourself with people who you don’t know, especially on the internet . I mean well when I say this, because you’ve shared your name and location. Just be mindful about what you share.
    “Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. Not anymore.”
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