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What will be the most popular method of transport in 2300?

HarryTHarryT Community Manager Posts: 319 The Mix Regular
It's been a while since we've had a poll of the week, so I thought we could make up for it by taking a look far into the future.

Hello amazing human (yes, that's YOU). I wish that you could see the amazing person who I see within you  ✨

What will be the most popular method of transport in 2300? 16 votes

jess63IsThisJustFantasy 2 votes
Siena 1 vote
ebyrne556JJLemon18Jimette 3 votes
Past UserAmy22 2 votes
Something that we haven't even heard of yet.
HarryTDancerEmma_sinead276kaiiKatie12RoseAbiMaria2008 8 votes


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    Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,294 Community Veteran
    I think with the way technology is advancing and aims for the world to be carbon neutral by 2050, I feel that eventually teleportation or fast track travel may be an option. Obviously with teleportation it would have to be faster than light in a way to get a person to the place they want without splicing them of course :lol:. I feel that recycled energy might something that would be used as teleportation would offer a less impact on the environment fingers crossed as there is the possibility that every time someone teleports all the energy would be renewed. I feel that the teleporter from Star Trek could be an option in the far future eventhough it is still a thing that is really a futuristic dream rather than an actual reality.

    Then again nuclear fusion is something that may be the realistic opinion, I think of it that teleportation will be done in the style of the old London underground metric system where trains will be small circular balls on a track that are then sent to the said place at a high speed.

    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
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    Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,294 Community Veteran
    @Xee Of course not that's totally fine as we all got our own opinions on things and I would be surprised if humans were still alive in the year with how things are going in the world.
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
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    Maria2008Maria2008 Posts: 146 Helping Hand
    Something that we haven't even heard of yet.
    i did some research and it came up with the wierdest shit ever like whos gonna drive this thing below
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    yanayana Community Champion Posts: 1,294 Wise Owl
    @Maria2008 that thing looks cool but I think it would be really annoying to get in and out of
    my brain is not braining the way brains are meant to brain
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    Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,294 Community Veteran
    @Maria2008 that car looks awesome but where are the doors lol seems hard to get out of and in like @Xee said
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
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    Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,294 Community Veteran
    Apparently self driving cars are becoming a thing now so I woulden't be surprised if I see cars with no drivers only passengers lol

    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
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    yanayana Community Champion Posts: 1,294 Wise Owl
    I would NOT trust self driving cars
    my brain is not braining the way brains are meant to brain
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    JJLemon18JJLemon18 Community Champion Posts: 1,982 Extreme Poster
    I'm voting hoverboard as that seems the coolest to me and is the most possible as we already have segways and electric scooters so we're not too far from hoverboards. Teleportation seems impossible and I can't imagine jetpacks being safe or efficient lol.
    Believe in me - who believes in you
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    Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,294 Community Veteran
    If jetpacks become a thing it would be like the club penguin game jetpack something can't think of the name oh and jetpack joyride would a thing irl
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
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    sinead276sinead276 Posts: 1,267 Wise Owl
    Something that we haven't even heard of yet.
    I've thought about it and come to the conclusion that I have absolutely no idea what I think people will be using to get around by 2300 (although I would love it if teleportation was a thing)
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    SienaSiena Posts: 15,632 Skive's The Limit
    edited August 2023
    Bike because will be too polluted for anything else and don’t think will make anything else
    “And when they look at you, they won't see everything you've been through. They won't see the **** that turned to scars that began to fade with time. They won't see the heartbreaking things that shook up and changed your entire world. They won't know how many tears you cried or even what it was you were crying about. They won't see how strong you had to be because you had no other choice. What they will see though is how compassionate you are because you experienced pain. What they will see is how kind you are because you experienced how cruel the world is. What they will see is how good you are because you've seen how bad things or people can be. The difference between you and your experiences are who you choose to be, despite everything that could have turned you cold and unkind.You are the good the world needs and the best of us.” ~ Kirsten Corley
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    HarryTHarryT Community Manager Posts: 319 The Mix Regular
    Something that we haven't even heard of yet.
    I actually saw a self-driving car a few weeks back and boy was it strange. I'm with the people saying they couldn't/wouldn't trust it. Let's hope it stops and doesn't go further.

    @Siobhan - very good point about the pollution, hadn't thought about that when I was writing this actually!
    Hello amazing human (yes, that's YOU). I wish that you could see the amazing person who I see within you  ✨
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    JimetteJimette Posts: 85 Budding Regular
    Who doesn't want to look good in a hoverboard when we're out and about~ :sunglasses:
    Wild Hearts Never Die~ >:3
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    JimetteJimette Posts: 85 Budding Regular
    Emma_ wrote: »
    Xee wrote: »
    is it stupid for me to say I don't think humans will still be here in 2300?

    I was about to say the same thing :D

    Maybe the more accurate question is how will the robots be getting around :D

    LMAO guys :lol::bleep_bloop:
    Wild Hearts Never Die~ >:3
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