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Puzzle 2: Can you solve this brain teaser?

AoifeAoife Community Manager Posts: 3,228 Boards Guru
edited July 2023 in General Chat
Puzzle 2! Can you solve this next brain teaser?

For some context on what the brain teaser is all about, the government said up to 234,000 roles requiring hard data skills will be needed in the coming years by UK companies. Experian, a company that deals with information about money and how people use it, has designed three ‘hard data’ puzzles to challenge your skills! We thought it would be fun to share them here!

Comment below if you manage to solve the puzzle!

Puzzle 2: The Lost Robot
You are a programmer guiding a robot around a tech event’s exhibition hall. You need to guide the robot the shortest distance to the Experian stand by writing a simple code.

The maze is a 5×5 grid, represented as follows:
* The robot’s current position is marked as ‘R’ and is facing south.
* The stand is marked as ‘S’
* Empty spaces are represented by ‘.’
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . R . .
. . . . .
. . . . S

* The robot can move in four directions: forward, backwards, left, and right.
* You need to write a code that moves the robot step by step towards the stand.

Code Instructions:
Use the following commands to control the robot:
* ‘F’ for moving forward
* ‘B’ for moving backwards
* ‘L’ for moving left
* ‘R’ for moving right

Write a sequence of commands to guide the robot to the stand. For example, if you want the robot to move forward, then right, then backwards, the code would be: “FRB”.

Task: Write the code sequence that guides the robot from its current position to the stand.

Good luck! I'll share the answers here next week :)
Maybe somethings don't get better, but we do. We get stronger. We learn to live with our situations as messy and ugly as they are. We fix what we can and we adapt to what we can't. Maybe some of us will never fully be okay, but at least we're here. We're still trying. We're doing the best we can. That's worth celebrating too ❤


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  • AoifeAoife Community Manager Posts: 3,228 Boards Guru
    This is is confusing! I couldn't work it out either! Here's the answers below:
    Puzzle 2: The Lost Robot

    Maybe somethings don't get better, but we do. We get stronger. We learn to live with our situations as messy and ugly as they are. We fix what we can and we adapt to what we can't. Maybe some of us will never fully be okay, but at least we're here. We're still trying. We're doing the best we can. That's worth celebrating too ❤
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