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Had a panic attack at work today

spoonspoon Posts: 375 Listening Ear
edited May 2023 in Health & Wellbeing
Had a pretty bad panic attack at work yesterday, felt a bit better but didn't sleep to well and also not really feeling like doing anything while still feeling restless. Already got emotional at work on Saturday. People at work are kind but I still feel kinda embarrassed by it. Usually I'm okay to go to the bathroom for a breather and come out as if nothing happened but his time it was in front of them. My fidgeting is getting worse.

TW: Mentions of Self Harm
[I've been getting strong urges to harm myself. I won't do it but I really really feel like it and I feel like so much of my energy is put into not doing it. I had urges everyday for a couple of years but not this bad which is annoying coz I was never addicted to it and it feels silly

Whats a signatureeeww
Post edited by TheMix on


  • spoonspoon Posts: 375 Listening Ear
    @TheMix been a bit of a dum dum and used strikethrough instead of spoiler tag plz fix lolol
    Whats a signatureeeww
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,507 The Mix Elder
    spoon wrote: »
    Had a pretty bad panic attack at work yesterday, felt a bit better but didn't sleep to well and also not really feeling like doing anything while still feeling restless. Already got emotional at work on Saturday. People at work are kind but I still feel kinda embarrassed by it. Usually I'm okay to go to the bathroom for a breather and come out as if nothing happened but his time it was in front of them. My fidgeting is getting worse.

    TW: Mentions of Self Harm
    [I've been getting strong urges to harm myself. I won't do it but I really really feel like it and I feel like so much of my energy is put into not doing it. I had urges everyday for a couple of years but not this bad which is annoying coz I was never addicted to it and it feels silly

    Hi @Spoon I hear that you recently had a panic attack at work yesterday and that you have been having troubling with sleep lately. I noticed that you mentioned that the staff members are your workplace were very kind and understanding but you felt embarrassed. I can understand why maybe you felt embarrassed especially if it was in front of the staff members too. But please don't feel bad about having a panic attack as sometimes they can happen at random times. It sounds like the staff were very helpful too when it happened. I also noticed you mentioned about struggling with thoughts of self harm specifically intrusive thoughts. Please don't think that these urges are silly as sometimes with self harm our brains can make us think about relapsing. I'm always here if you want to talk more or need someone to talk to,

    Sending hugs,

    Amy22 <3
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
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