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Who saved you at your lowest?

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  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    I think that's very sweet that Barney saved you in your lowest moments @Morgan007, animals are the greatest support I think.

    I think for me it has to be either my parents or The Mix. I would say that my mum was a massive help as she has always motivated me to keep going. But The Mix saved me especially during a time where I thought my light was gone, they managed to turn on the light for me.
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • yanayana Community Champion Posts: 1,294 Wise Owl
    @Morgan007 Aww your dog is adorable :) My dog helped me more than anyone too. He was always there without fail and still is. I hope you're doing ok <3
    my brain is not braining the way brains are meant to brain
  • Past UserPast User Definition of a mental mess and a certified lost cause :) EnglandPosts: 0 Just got here
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  • yanayana Community Champion Posts: 1,294 Wise Owl
    @LorryTruck I LOVE THEIR MUSIC AND YES I LOVE THAT SONG TOO!!! It's so cool how music can have such a huge impact on people :)
    my brain is not braining the way brains are meant to brain
  • Past UserPast User Definition of a mental mess and a certified lost cause :) EnglandPosts: 0 Just got here
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  • yanayana Community Champion Posts: 1,294 Wise Owl
    @LorryTruck YESSS, YOU'RE THE FIRST PERSON IK WHO ALSO KNOWS THEM LOL :) would anyone care used to be my fav song by them
    my brain is not braining the way brains are meant to brain
  • Past UserPast User Definition of a mental mess and a certified lost cause :) EnglandPosts: 0 Just got here
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  • Past UserPast User Definition of a mental mess and a certified lost cause :) EnglandPosts: 0 Just got here
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  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    I'll have to check the band Citizen Soldier out actually, I just googled them and they look very cool!. I will say a good band to check out is For3st Hills, they are very good. I love their song 'Drive'. :)
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • JJLemon18JJLemon18 Community Champion Posts: 2,019 Boards Champion
    I love this thread so so much!
    Barney is so adorable @Morgan007 and am really glad that he's been able to help you! :)

    I'm still looking for the thing that can save me at my lowest, I don't have anything yet but the Mix has be an incredible amount of help for me so far, I am so glad that I joined!
    Xee wrote: »
    It's so cool how music can have such a huge impact on people :)
    I agree, music really is something special!

    I haven't heard of citizen soldier but I listened to a few songs and its not really my style of music but I have to say they are great! There is so much emotion in their voice and so much meaning put into the lyrics, I can see why people love them, they are so relatable.
    The song let it burn is just incredible!

    I saw a comment under one of the songs say "I noticed that people who deal with depression are the most kind and love to make people laugh because they don't want people to be in emotional pain" this is so true. Its all really sad but in a way I'm glad to be part of such a caring community :heart:

    Sending hugs to you all!
    Believe in me - who believes in you
  • yanayana Community Champion Posts: 1,294 Wise Owl
    @Chloe234 she's soooo adorable awww <3
    my brain is not braining the way brains are meant to brain
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