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ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,233 Community Veteran
I still hear in my head 'do u want whisky' as my cleaner did 1yr ago. I h8 it. So I had some. How do u stop the voices?. I thought everything was head gd once I moved. I sang to calm me down. Then I started chatting rubbish on family whatsapp n sending holiday pic n saying I want to go back.
FFS!!!!! At least I don't rant at ppl on Facebook no more
Crazy mad insane


  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,233 Community Veteran
    I hear stuff In my head that my a---sers said repeatedly then I get sad
    Crazy mad insane
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,233 Community Veteran
    Loud insults don't go away
    Crazy mad insane
  • genderless_fungigenderless_fungi Moderator Posts: 197 Trailblazer
    edited September 18
    Hello @ellie2000 ,
    That must be terrible for you and I'm sorry that this has been impacting you negatively.
    I second what @Past User said and think that it would be a good idea to try to talk to a professional about the voice
    In alternative, is there anyone else you trust and you could talk to about your feelings?

    Post edited by patrickDev on
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