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Chloe234Chloe234 Community Champion Posts: 3,166 Boards Guru


  • fiona333fiona333 Posts: 171 Helping Hand
    @Chloe234 sending all the virtual hugs 🤗 because you are amazing and wonderful and not worthless ❤️

    Is there anything you’d like to talk about? Im here if you need anything 😊
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,500 The Mix Elder
    edited August 2022
    Hi @Chloe234 I am giving you a massive virtual hug because, I don't think you are worthless. You are the most brilliant person I have ever met. You are an incredible person. I am always here if you need someone to talk to <3
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • sinead276sinead276 Posts: 1,448 Wise Owl
    Sending lots of love and hugs and reminding you that you're not worthless at all. <3
  • Chloe234Chloe234 Community Champion Posts: 3,166 Boards Guru
    Thankyou @fiona333 , @Amy22 and @sinead276

    i wouldnt wanna bother ya'll tho, ive just got so much wrong with me i wouldnt wanna burden you with it, its hard
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,500 The Mix Elder
    @Chloe234 I understand how you must be feeling about reaching out at the moment. It's fine though, you woulden't be bothering me at all. I'm more than happy to listen and I will try my best to help you :). I feel you though, it can be hard reaching out for support especially when you have gone through a lot lately. But we're always here for you if you do need any support <3
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • Chloe234Chloe234 Community Champion Posts: 3,166 Boards Guru
    Thankypu @Amy22 i really appreciate it❤️
  • Chloe234Chloe234 Community Champion Posts: 3,166 Boards Guru
    Today my stepmum and my dad wouldve been married💔😭sat here alone all night, unable to sleep.
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    Hey Chloe, sorry to hear you're struggling so much. Those sleepless nights, especially on bad anniversaries, can be really awful. I'm awake if you need to chat, or there may be some services like shout that you can use if things get too tough.
  • Chloe234Chloe234 Community Champion Posts: 3,166 Boards Guru
    thanks @Supernova x appreciaye it :)
  • Chloe234Chloe234 Community Champion Posts: 3,166 Boards Guru
    Gave up with sleep tonight, was too hard :disappointed:
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    Hope you feel better soon, and get some better sleep later today / tomorrow
  • Chloe234Chloe234 Community Champion Posts: 3,166 Boards Guru
    Thanks @Supernova im going out later on and im doing things all day so probs not gonna get chance to sleep till about 1am tmmr but that depends if i can sleep tbh, i probably got about 2 hours sleep maximum last night so really tired
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