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This or That #8

AoifeAoife Community Manager Posts: 3,106 Boards Guru
Hey everyone,

This week it's Wellness Week and we've created a Self-Care This or That activity. Comment your answers below:


Here's my answers:
Sleeping in
Taking a bath
Getting creative
Alone time
Time outdoors
Maybe somethings don't get better, but we do. We get stronger. We learn to live with our situations as messy and ugly as they are. We fix what we can and we adapt to what we can't. Maybe some of us will never fully be okay, but at least we're here. We're still trying. We're doing the best we can. That's worth celebrating too ❤


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    kaiikaii Posts: 485 Listening Ear
    Happy Wellness Week! <3

    My answers:
    - book
    - sleeping in (though I wish I can sleep early at night :bawling: )
    - taking a bath
    - meditating (deciding this was tricky because I both meditate and keep a gratitude journal - but I think I prefer meditation more since listing everything that you're grateful for gets boring sometimes when some days feel the same, so I just do gratitude prompts now!)
    - getting creative (another tricky one, hahah. I feel like I'm in my element when I get creative and I love naps too ^^ however, it goes wrong when I nap sometimes, since sometimes I sleep longer than intended, and then I don't feel so well :s )
    - alone time
    - baking
    - time outdoors (I need to get out more, I haven't been out in agesss)
    cinnamoroll supremacy : )
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    spoonspoon Posts: 375 Listening Ear
    early night (tho kinda the other way round rn lol)
    taking a bath
    getting creative
    alone time
    time outdoors
    Whats a signatureeeww
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    Rosebud22Rosebud22 Posts: 9 Confirmed not a robot
    Happy Wellness Week <3

    Here are my answers:
    Sleeping in
    Taking a bath
    Getting creative
    Time with others
    Time outdoors
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    ConnorConnor Deactivated Posts: 508 Incredible Poster
    Happy Wellness Week :)

    Sleeping in
    Essential Oil
    Getting Creative
    Alone Time
    Time Indoors
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    sinead276sinead276 Posts: 1,267 Wise Owl
    Sleeping in
    Taking a bath
    Alone Time
    Time Indoors
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