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Broken Wings (song i wrote)

Past UserPast User Definition of a mental mess and a certified lost cause :)EnglandPosts: 0 Just got here
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  • LeilaLeila Posts: 2,064 Boards Champion
    edited September 18
    Past User wrote: »
    All around me are butterflies
    Razor sharp teeth and red eyes

    Would you help me find an exit?
    I'm sick of being in this place.
    Through the heart let a bullet hit.
    I'd do anything to escape.

    Let me hide away...
    Let me isolate...

    Take away these broken wings
    Fill this empty cup with pain
    Take away my everything
    Fill my broken lungs with rain

    Hold my head under the surface
    Take the sun out of my sky
    Repeatedly tell me I am worthless
    Don't let me out this time

    Let me hide away...
    Let me isolate...

    Take away these broken wings
    Fill this empty cup with pain
    Take away my everything
    Fill my broken lungs with rain

    I don't know how I'm going to survive
    Everyday's another fight
    Heavy thoughts on these dark nights
    God took away my only light

    Take away these broken wings
    Fill this empty cup with pain
    Take away my everything
    Fill my broken lungs with rain

    All around me are butterflies
    Razor sharp teeth and red eyes
    Damaged hearts, damaged minds
    Broken wings, yet still so high...

    All around me are butterflies
    Razor sharp teeth and red eyes
    Damaged hearts, damaged minds
    Broken wings, yet still so high...

    You inspire me, honestly your amazing!
    Post edited by patrickDev on
  • Past UserPast User Definition of a mental mess and a certified lost cause :) EnglandPosts: 0 Just got here
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • LeilaLeila Posts: 2,064 Boards Champion
    edited September 18
    Past User wrote: »
    @Leila Thank you <3:) I honestly appreciate it.

    Aww! Bless you, your awesome, and talented! Honestly, sending you everything positive in this world,💞💞
    Post edited by patrickDev on
  • Past UserPast User Definition of a mental mess and a certified lost cause :) EnglandPosts: 0 Just got here
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • LeilaLeila Posts: 2,064 Boards Champion
    edited September 18
    Past User wrote: »
    You made my day so much better. :)

    Thank you @Leila

    Sending you some positive vibes your way too :star:

    Thank you beautiful! You deserve to feel like you matter because you DO! X
    Post edited by patrickDev on
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