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Friend asked me to stay alive for him

Kate_20Kate_20 Posts: 653 Incredible Poster
edited March 2022 in Health & Wellbeing
I did not reply to him. I don't want to stay for anyone. I don't want to promise anything. My family is angry with me for my sleep problems. I am a useless, unemployed person. I am a shameless person. They threatened to tell my neighbours about my inability of getting up in the morning in order to discipline me.
Tengo el alma en cuarentena y roto el cuerpo
Qué dolor, qué pena y qué tormento
El Kanka - Lo mal que estoy y lo poco que me quejo


  • JustVJustV Community Manager Posts: 5,462 Part of The Furniture
    edited March 2022
    Good to see you posting @Kate_20 :)
    I did not reply to him. I don't want to stay for anyone. I don't want to promise anything.
    You don't have to promise anything Kate and it's totally okay not to respond to this message.

    When someone finds out we're suicidal, it's really common for them to ask us to promise to stay alive or not to hurt ourselves (you can get similar responses if you share you self-harm). Although they mean well, I know all it does is add more pressure and that's not what you need. :(

    I wonder if it could be helpful to tell your friend that? Maybe reassure him that you're doing your best, but that making promises feels like a lot of pressure right now? No pressure to do anything you don't want to - not responding is totally okay too - but you're also within your right to put up those boundaries and make it clear what you need (or don't need).
    I am a useless, unemployed person. I am a shameless person.
    I reckon you're a great person, doing the best you can with what you have. ✨

    I also wanted to drop some crisis support options below. If or when you're feeling suicidal, or you just want someone to listen, there are people out there who can be there. I know you know that already Kate :) but I want to make sure those options are in front of you if you need them.
    Crisis Messenger (24/7) | text THEMIX to 85258
    Samartians (24/7) | call 116 123 | email jo@samaritans.org
    Papyrus (2pm-midnight) | call 0800 068 41 41 | text 07786 209 697 | email pat@payrus-uk.org
    Supportline (hours vary) | call 01708 765 200
    All behaviour is a need trying to be met.
    The truth resists simplicity.
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