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ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,224 Community Veteran
sorry 4 going crazy on the boards, its just i need ermmm.....
Crazy mad insane


  • AnneFrypanAnneFrypan Posts: 335 The Mix Regular
    Hi @ellie2000 ,
    There is never a need to apologise for making a lot of posts! We are all here for you and are happy to listen and help you where we can. How are you doing today?
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,224 Community Veteran
    im playing a game, there all on my homescreen now so theyre easy to get to wen i feel uneasy, by my posts i hav not been gd. im gd this evening
    Crazy mad insane
  • AnneFrypanAnneFrypan Posts: 335 The Mix Regular
    Im glad you have been good this evening always great to hear. I'm glad you have found a coping method that you can use. If you need any more coping methods feel free to reach out/ tag me I'll be glad to help. :)
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