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Posts: 4,560
The Mix Elder
i want to learn about sleep :)
Crazy mad insane


  • independent_independent_
    Community Champion Posts: 9,133
    Supreme Poster
    What would you like to learn?
    “Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.”
  • ellie2000ellie2000
    Posts: 4,560
    The Mix Elder
    i missed a seminar this eve n is there ppl got info
    Crazy mad insane
  • Former MemberFormer Member
    Moderator Posts: 1,084
    Wise Owl
    Hey @ellie2000

    Just to echo what has already been said, what is it you would like to learn about sleep?
  • ellie2000ellie2000
    Posts: 4,560
    The Mix Elder
    the conditions ppl hav, not just insomnia, why eyes flicker wen sleeping what/why r there stages
    Crazy mad insane
  • ellie2000ellie2000
    Posts: 4,560
    The Mix Elder
    why do ppl shove they uh hum somewhere, r they conscious wen the do tht
    Crazy mad insane
  • Former MemberFormer Member
    Posts: 84
    Budding Regular
    Hi @ellie2000
    Some people can sleep too much (Hypersomnia), cannot fall asleep or struggle to (as you said Insomnia), or fall asleep at random times in the day (Narcolepsy).

    There are also different stages of sleep, which correspond to different wavelengths in the brain, as well as the body's heart rate too. REM sleep (rapid eye movement) is a stage where the heart rate quickens, and your dreams are usually more intense, this is when the brain is most active. It also gets its name because most people also have eye movements, from these dreams.

    There's light sleep, where your heart rate slows down and it's easier for you to wake up. Deep sleep is where your body can repair itself, and the brain waves are slower and longer, and it's harder to wake up.

    Hope you found this helpful :)
  • ellie2000ellie2000
    Posts: 4,560
    The Mix Elder
    wat about wen u wna move nd scream for help during the night u cant bc it seems like tht ur restrained somehow?
    Crazy mad insane
  • Past UserPast User
    Posts: 0
    Just got here
    Hey @ellie2000,

    What you are describing about feeling somewhat paralysed may be sleep paralysis. This basically happens when you're still asleep, but your brain is still active. I think it happens when you are about to wake up or just falling asleep, you're in between stages of sleep where you are still conscious. It can be quite intense and scary to experience, my brother experienced it very frequently for a while.

    I hope you found this helpful, I think the NHS website may have more info if you are interested in sleep paralysis :)
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