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TW cleaner/drink

ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,573 The Mix Elder
with the cleaner who me drink, i was tlk with my support worker(the gd one) my mum joind the call, we figured out tht he is making me vunerable on purpose, i told him confidential stuff coz i dont hav a therapist and he doesnt drink becks blue, after he cleaned its 11 oclock. he gets me drunk then he leaves and leaves the door unlocked, am i being preyed upon? and is it easy to make him go away? it started wen his gf spit up with him. why do ppl get to stuff too L8?!!!!! my last abusive proffessional relationship wasnt easy to get rid of
Crazy mad insane


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,171 Wise Owl
    Hi Ellie, I’m so sorry to hear about this. Have you spoken to your mum about it?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,054 Wise Owl
    Hi @ellie2000,

    I'm wondering the same as Lucy - does your mum know about this? :heart:
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,573 The Mix Elder
    yh, and y does it take a long time to sort, wen a issue arises. there's always something :( stupid humans!!
    Crazy mad insane
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,573 The Mix Elder
    or wen i need help in hav to hav an really big breakdown, ppl think i hav no problems. some ppl campare bad mental health with how africa is, y?
    Crazy mad insane
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,573 The Mix Elder
    is my cleaner commiting a crime
    Crazy mad insane
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,054 Wise Owl
    What has your mum said about this? It's frustrating that it takes a long time to resolve issues, you deserve support :heart:

    It doesn't sound right what your cleaner is doing. So I'm glad you've spoken about it with your mum - you did the right thing by telling her.

    I'm not too sure why people may have compared bad mental health to africa - I haven't heard this comparison before. However, it sounds frustrating that you have to have a breakdown to get help. You deserve to feel heard and supported, always.

    Is there anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about these frustrations? Perhaps you could explain to them that you do have difficult thoughts and feelings, even when you are not seen to have a breakdown, and so you would like to be supported and listened to more often :heart:
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,573 The Mix Elder
    finally a mind person started talkn to me after havin a abdab in one of her sessions. i feel in life something big has to happen b4 help comes, A.T emailed me back the first but he left and use big words. this tutor explained she want me well n happy. i nvr had someone who i was in a proffessional relationship with tell me tht b4
    Crazy mad insane
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,573 The Mix Elder
    i vented out tht i wanted to get hurt
    Crazy mad insane
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 125 The Mix Convert
    Hi @ellie2000

    I'm sorry that you feel like something big has to happen for you to receive help <3 You deserve to have support from the start to prevent anything big from happening, and to always be heard and respected <3

    It's good to hear that someone has contacted you, and it sounds likes you could develop a really good relationship with her. Your tutor is right - she's in that role because she wants to support you to be well and happy <3 Hope they keep you with this same tutor and that she is able to give you the right support <3
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 84 Budding Regular
    Hi Ellie, I'm sorry to hear this has been happening to you.

    I'm glad that you've told your mum and you're speaking to a professional about this. Hopefully you can receive the support that you deserve.

    I understand it's frustrating that things have to happen to receive help, and it should not be this way.

    While there are other things going on in the world, nothing is more important that your wellbeing (whether it be physical, emotional or mental). Your feelings and emotions and very much valid, and cannot be compared to any other big event in the world.

    How have you been feeling recently? I know it's been a few days since you posted this.
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,573 The Mix Elder
    edited July 2021
    i think bad stuff and wen i start crying, thts wen ppl act
    Post edited by ellie2000 on
    Crazy mad insane
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,573 The Mix Elder
    i hold my feeling in so i dont worry ppl. or around ppl who say 'oh get on with it'
    Crazy mad insane
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 125 The Mix Convert
    Sorry to hear that you are being made to feel that way @ellie2000 <3 I know that you don't want to worry people, and that shows what a considerate person you are, but I'd still recommend sharing how you feel with a trusted person. It's better to tell people rather than bottling it all up where it has nowhere to go <3

    There are too many people with the mindset of 'just get on with it', and I'm sorry that you've found some. These people really don't understand mental health, and you need to remember that you are not the problem or causing an issue, it's their ignorance <3 x
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