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Seaspiracy- Netflix

GreenTeaGreenTea Posts: 12,938 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
I've just watched this and I've got to rage a moment..has anyone watched it??

More than 45% of the plastics in the ocean comprise of fishing equipment such as nets.
0.03% of the plastics are plastic straws...
The big environment groups are actually funded by the fishing industry... So you don't hear about that 45% of plastic..

Changing something that is 0.03% of the plastic in the ocean.. how the fuck is that gonna make an impact?
Im all for not using plastic straws.... But in theory, the change is making very little impact 🙃

Also "dolphin safe" on a tuna tin is utter bullshit and the owners of those brands that advertise this.. straight up say that it's never Dolphin safe..

I'm just...

This show is on Netflix. What's your opinion on all this?


  • GreenTeaGreenTea Posts: 12,938 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    I've not been told a lot of stuff in this documentary is false.

    Urgh I don't know what to believe!! Help
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    I haven't seen it yet but I'm going to give it a watch tomorrow.

    It's a crying shame that we are ruining our oceans.
    GreenTea wrote: »
    Im all for not using plastic straws.... But in theory, the change is making very little impact 🙃

    It doesn't sound like a lot... but 'very little impact' is still an impact and that's better than nothing, right?

    We are slowly making changes to make the planet a better place, it's better than not making changes and allowing things to continuously get worse and worse.

    GreenTea wrote: »
    Also "dolphin safe" on a tuna tin is utter bullshit and the owners of those brands that advertise this.. straight up say that it's never Dolphin safe..

    I've heard this before too and was partly the reason why I went vegan, it's awful.

    I think documentaries on this will be a wake-up call for folk and make them realise that we need to make a change and we all need to play our part in making that change.

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