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telling opinions

ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,230 Community Veteran
how do u tell someone tht theyre sh*t to talk to coz they tell u their opinion, wen ur havin a moment
Crazy mad insane


  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    I’m not sure Ellie I guess it depends on the situation. I guess that you could tell them you find them unhelpful to talk to when you’re not in a good headspace. I know a thing I do when talking to my mum is we ask each-other if we want to just vent or if we want advice too. Vent or advice has helped us a lot. You could tell them that you just want to get things off your chest and feel heard. Sorry if this wasn’t what you meant, always here if you ever need anything  :)
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