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Advice Needed

Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
edited October 2020 in Sex & Relationships
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,054 Wise Owl
    Hey Jamie, welcome to the boards! :heart:

    Firstly, I understand that that can be a really difficult message to receive, especially when you guys have been getting along so well. So sending hugs your way and I really hope you are doing okay :heart: Now, obviously I am not inside of his mind so I cannot know anything for sure. However, I believe it may be too early to judge whether you have lost him completely. Sometimes, when two people are beginning to fall for each other, one person can feel afraid for a whole host of reasons and will send a message like that - they'll retract or back away in some way. Sometimes this really is for good and they'd rather keep as friends, but other times it's simply fear or anxiety creeping up, and in time they do bounce back and it all works out. So with that in mind, I would say at this time try your best not to jump to too many definite conclusions. 

    It sounds like you have been really supportive which is great to hear and he is very lucky to have your support :heart: I think if you can be patient with him and allow him the time to work through his thoughts and figure out what he really wants, that could be good. And take good care of yourself in the mean time - so keeping yourself busy and making sure that you show yourself the amount of love and support that you have shown towards him. 

    Another key thing in any type of relationship is communication. Your feelings really matter so, maybe after he's had a little time with his thoughts, you might like to check in and see how things are. Just reaching out to see if he's okay to communicate at that time, to make sure that your feelings are cared for too. Communication is key :heart:

    I really hope that everything works out, and if you'd like any support in any way please remember we are always right here! Take good care x

  • Former MemberFormer Member Keep being you<3 Posts: 1,489 Wise Owl
    edited September 2024
    @Past User Hey Jamie welcome to the boards.❤️
    I’m in the same situation as you really I met this lovely boy on teen chat who is from India and I am from Birmingham 😫and we started talking on the 18th of October and honestly we both fall in love with each other.
    So I do understand where your coming from and it’s even more harder for me also because it is a different time zone in India.
    I always tell him how much I am in love with him and he does the same so we both feel the same about each other so my advice is keep it real and tell him how much you love him and talk to him as much as you can. 
    Help him with problems etc.
    Hope this helps ❤️🥰

    Alina x

    Post edited by TheMix on
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 187 Helping Hand
    edited September 2024
    @_Tech_Addict_Girl I think it is important to tell your crushes that you do love them and them to physically be here but it is not impossible and @Past User your crush has to understand that because it is not like you are choosing to do this.
    Post edited by TheMix on
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