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you r valid

anonymous334anonymous334 Posts: 10 Settling in
i wanted to make a post with the hope it might help someone cuz im feeling poopy rn- 

you are completely valid regardless of your gender identity or sexuality. you are not less of a person  because of it, and anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong. I promise that there is nothing wrong with who you are and you are loved! <3

sending love, hugs, and good vibes to anyone else struggling to accept themselves, you're not alone aha 
have a good evening ❤❤❤❤❤


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    AnneFrypanAnneFrypan Posts: 335 The Mix Regular
    Thank you, this is just what I needed to see. If you want to talk also you can PM me anytime, I am here to support.
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    MilsyRoseMilsyRose Posts: 198 Trailblazer
    I hope you feel better soon! We love everyone and you can all be who you want to be. <3
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    coc0maccoc0mac Posts: 1,054 Wise Owl
    I love love love this. And totally agree!

    Thank you so much for sharing these positive vibes and I really hope that you are okay - right here to listen if you would like to talk :heart:
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    Rose124Rose124 Posts: 69 Boards Initiate
    Aww thank you, I really needed to see this post today - been struggling with my sexualtiy and gender identity recently and have been struggling with feelings of inadequacy and feeling less valid than other people due to it, so this post is really appreciated!!
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    ForestWitchForestWitch Posts: 42 The answer to life, the universe, and everything
    You put it beautifully :)
    I hope you feel better soon and we are all here for you if you need to talk <3
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