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Carers Week 2020 (3/3)

AbigailAbigail Posts: 819 Part of The Mix Family

The final part of this series we would like to look at ways in which we could further support young carers at The Mix.

If you want to share how you believe carers could be visible or you have noticed something that could make carers more visible, then please discuss it and share it with us. Furthermore, let us know if you believe there is something we are not doing to support you as a young carers? We want to hear your suggestions so do not be shy to share an idea you have!  :)

Five Ways to Make Caring Visible in Cumbernauld Supporting Carers

At the mix we have worked hard to make carers as visible as we can, by working with other carers we are making sure that carers have an equal voice. If you would like to be involved with the young carers project, then please PM the @The Mix account. 

Catch up with Carers Week 2020 (1/3) here and (2/3) here
Some people think I am unhappy. I'm not. I just approach silence in the world that never stops talking.
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