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Book club

dancertoridancertori Posts: 127 The Mix Convert
decided the mix was missing a book club.

tell us what book your reading, maybe even tell us what your enjoying about it. even maybe post a pic of the cover, cause we all know despite the saying everyone judges a book by its cover.


  • GreenTeaGreenTea Posts: 12,938 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Thank you for starting this thread. This is the book I'm reading at the moment. Only read a couple of chapters but it is good
  • dancertoridancertori Posts: 127 The Mix Convert
    @GreenTea looks good.x

  • Former MemberFormer Member Sunny ScotlandPosts: 3,590 Community Veteran
    Reading this, so good but so sad... What are you reading? 😊💖

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