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Random acts of kindness day

GreenTeaGreenTea Posts: 12,938 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
Hello all

As today is random act of kindness day! I challenge you to carry out 3 random acts of kindness today.
Also you can share if anyone has done random acts of kindness for you today!

My example is this morning the tube was busy and a little old lady needed to get on the tube..so I got on before her and stood in front of a seat and then allowed her to sit down when she was on! 
She gave me a smile and a massive thank you. 


  • GreenTeaGreenTea Posts: 12,938 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Anyone been involved in any today?
  • Salix_alba_2019Salix_alba_2019 Deactivated Posts: 1,646 Extreme Poster
    I haven't but I wanted to pop by to say thank you for making another great thread that encourages positivity  <3
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