Anxiety with everything.

Hi, I'm 16 and currently studying in sixth form which means I currently have four subjects to deal with. However, since the start of the school year I've realised a major increase in my anxiety levels and it's becoming painful at this point.
I'm required to participate in group presentations which are horrible because the whole time I'm speaking I don't even know what I'm saying, I'm just panicking and all I can feel is my heart beating uncomfortably fast and then I always get light-headed.
Answering questions in lessons isn't so bad when I'm confident in my answers which is usually the case in 3 out of the 4 subjects but the fourth lessons is breaking me at this point. I'm scared to go to lessons cause I feel like I know nothing compared to the other students, I'm petrified of the concept that my teacher will pick on me and people will stare and now that one of my teachers has been changed I'm even more uncomfortable going to lesson. Don't get me wrong the teacher is great she taught me for two years before this but I'm genuinely terrified of her; in the lesson today she was being so nice but I was in such a bad place, I was nearly breaking down in the lesson, breathing so fast it was obvious I was about to have a panic attack. I calmed myself with a teddy bear I keep on my pencil case but I just can't imagine doing that every single lesson I have with her.
I asked my mom if she'd be okay with my dropping this lesson and she said I can drop if I promise to get A's on at least 2 out of 3 exams and a B in the other. I don't know what to do and I'm actually really really scared, I don't want to go into school and it constantly feels like I'm moments away from bursting into tears.