World 🌎 Dyslexia Day

I bet you some didn’t know that today is world Dyslexia day .
So what Is dyslexia ?
Dyslexia is a Specific Learning Difficult or SpLD for short that affects Our ability to read. Some of us may also have trouble with Phonics , Spelling both familiar and unfamiliar words , processing information and recognising patterns to name a few.
Some people are diagnosed with dyslexia from an early age and others can be as late as adulthood and the reason for this is that the signs of dyslexia vary from person to person. Some may be subtle and others more obvious.
So what’s it’s like to have dyslexia ?
For me dyslexia is a daily struggle that affects a wide range of my academic abilities which can often lead me frustrated and upset when I can’t do something as quickly or as good as my classmates around me, I struggle to copy things down of the boards I have to look up read a word write it down and look back up again and repeat the process.
I also struggle with reading information that is on a white background this is something completely separate to dyslexia called Irlen Syndrome but it commonly something that is diagnosed along side dyslexia. Another big thing for me is I struggle to understand which word to use for example which there,their or they’re I need to use
But being dyslexic is not all bad , a lot of dyslexic people have an area they excel it weather it is music , art , acting or for me it is caring for children.
Did you know there’s Famous people who are dyslexic ?
• Jamie Oliver who didn’t read a full book until the age of 38
•Richard Branson who own a multi million pound airline company Virgin
•Albert Einstein thé famous scientist
•Walt Disney who founded Disney
I think this is such an important message to anyone who has dyslexia or any learning difficulties...
“ Don’t let your disability dictate your level ability, With Hard work , determination and the right support you can achieve whatever your believe”
Want to know more about Dyslexia and Irlen Syndrome ?
The colour associated with dyslexia awareness is green actually! A lot of dyslexics use overlays, a lot of people use pastel colours and cream. I'm dyslexic but i find a bright yellow works really well for me. Each person uses a different colour and no 2 people are the same.
If your dyslexic and your struggling to enjoy your passion there will be someone who does your passion who is also dyslexic so don't be afraid to google.
My passion is music and when ever I have a bad day not being able to read the difference between a C and a G chords I tell myself Cher over came dyslexia so can I.
If anyone is struggling for motivation hope this quote helps you