It’s no joke - Trigger warning

Suicide is no joke
Suicide is no game
Your all jokenly go
“Ohh I’m gonna kill myself”
When someone , somewhere
Has done that and succeeded
That happens every single day
You think it’s funny
You think your having a laugh
Think of those families
Who wake up to find
There loved ones have gone
And left them in all kinds of pain
Behind in a world that
Drove them to that fate
Men are told man up
Women to be skinny not fat
Boys to wear blue
And girls to wear pink
We must all stick by
The gender stereotypes that exist
They Hide behind a smile
They hide behind a laugh
We’re not always the quiet ones
That hide at the back
We can be loud
Or we can be withdrawn
We try everything to hide our plans
From the ones who Cared the most
In fear that there stop us
From doing what we want most
We just want the pain and suffering to end
We don’t really want to die
We’ve try to make the pain stop
But every other way fails
The only way out now is to die
All it takes if for someone to say
Hey , I noticed your not yourself
Are you doing ok
Those words can make a world of difference
Those words could save a life