Laines guide to an (almost) hay fever free summer.

So I'm not sure if anyone else suffers from hayfever, but I thought I'd create a little guide in case anyone else does as it tis the season 😂 I'll just list some things to try x
first of all, what pollen affects you? Monitor your symptoms, summertime brings various different grass pollen, if you're feeling it right now then grass is likely yours,
In the autumn, weeds Like ragweed can have an affect, if you struggle in autumn you're likely suffering from a weed allergy, and finally.
Spring. Brings various tree pollen. You can be allergic to more than one pollen.
So what are the symptoms?
- Runny nose and blocked nose.
- Watery, itchy, red eyes.
- Sneezing.
- Cough.
- Itchy nose, roof of mouth or throat.
- Postnasal drip.
- Fatigue.
- Headaches.
- Nausea.
So what can you do?
So I've been on the search for tablets lately that work, benadryl works fabulous for me as my big irritant is grass pollen. there is also loratadine if your symptoms are mild.
look into what works and remember to read labels and discuss with your doctor if you're concerned you can't take it x
Aside from that we have Nose sprays.
My fav is defo prevalin, but you also have beconase, and various others. Its also cost effective to "flush" or rinse your nose with a saline solution, this will wash out any pollen, look for a neti pot or squeeze bottle. you can do this with previously boiled and then cooled water, or look for a solution in a pharmacist!
" Please check if you're taking tablets and a spray that you can use them both together! xo"
Eye drops will reduce your itchy red and dry eyes, but at a price. Optrex is my hands down go to, but if you find its too pricey to fork out for everything, you can again find a saline solution for your eyes and wash them out when you get back indoors
What to do when you have to go outside:
*Take your medications appropriately and accordingly.
* Rub vaseline around your nostrils to catch the pollen.
*Wear a pollen mask or bandana when pollen counts are high(can find them on amazon)
*Stay away from fresh cut grass and flowers.
*Limit outdoor exposure.
*Wear wrap around sunglasses to keep pollen out of eyes.
Its best to keep an high on pollen counts, i don't go outside when the count is VH(very high, red) unless i have to! you can check the daily pollen count, and what pollen is around. Klara is my fav i defo suggest it!
(cities will have the highest pollen count as places more near the seaside generally have a sea breeze that will blow it away)
What to do when you get back inside:
*Change your clothes.
*Shower and wash your hair.
*Keep all windows shut.
*Use an air purifier(if you can afford one)
*When you wash your clothes, don't dry them outside.
*Vacuum regularly.
*Get a pollen filter for the air vents in your car
I hope this rambling has been helpful, if not, it was fun to make haha!
Happy sneezing!
from Laine
I also use a sleep mask with a cold/wet flanel inside which makes my eyes feel less gunky while i sleep.
For those who dont suffer some people us the sent of pollen, freshly cut grass and strong scented flowers to help them calm down when they are overwhelmed in public.
Keep up the fight again hay fever.
Speak soon
I love the smell of freshly cut grass ironically, I also really love the smell of lavender, they both help me calm down, thanks @Abigail !
For cost effective hay fever treatment,
Boots do 2 for £6 on all hay fever stuff, I get my tablets from home bargains and my nose spray and eye from them 😊
same thing still works just as great!
the pollen count is easing off here thank god! but i'm finding benadryl tablets to be the best!
(that and house arrest haha)