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My (now) girlfriend

PianoGal0301PianoGal0301 Posts: 37 Boards Initiate
So this is a little complicated, a while ago I posted on here that I was bisexual and I had a crush on one of my friends since then she actually asked me out - turned out she had a crush on me all along! Sadly she made a sustained suicide attempt. I found on Instagram being told nothing but she was in trouble and an air ambulance was on its way. Later her mum phoned us and said she was in intensive care. A few days later she was out and on a pediatric ward, she was lucky to be alive. It threw me, I was in pieces. I went to visit her and it was so lovely to see her, she is now at home but I feel so shaken. Am I over reacting?? I myself struggle big time with my mental health and I feel like a bit of a baby.

I'm so happy to be with her. 


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    davcr0ckdavcr0ck Posts: 774 Part of The Mix Family
    Hey girl,

    First of all, don't worry about what you label yourself, I've went from straight to gay to asexual to pan to queer/gay, and that was over 6 years, I really wouldn't worry about that, just mention that your exploring yourself and she should understand, 

    Personally I don't think Your overreacting in an way and if you was I'm sure she would of mentioned something, it's great that your here to support her, just remember to self care yourself and care for her too and if she or you need some space, you just say and I'm sure you/her will understand

    Sending hugs to you both and best of luck to you both 
    Love is love and everyone is accepting and can share their issues with no judge from me and I try to help 
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    LaineLaine Deactivated Posts: 2,762 Boards Guru
    Hey Piano gal,  glad to hear things worked out with you and crush :)

    You are definitely not overreacting, it's hard to see someone we care about, someone we love struggling, it's perfectly normal and just means you care x

    I'm glad she has recovered,  is she receiving any support with it now? 

    Most importantly remember to look after yourself through this!  If you need to reach out to a family member,  or service like the mix that's okay,  these things can take a toll and we all have our own things x

    It's so positive that you're happy to be with her and I wish you guys the next xo

    🌈Positive thoughts🌈

    "This is my family. I found it, all on my own.
    It's little, and Broken, but still good. Yeah. Still good." ~ Stitch

    "Lately, I've been struggling with all the simple things in my life" ~ Cian Ducrot

    "I don't know if it's because my heart hurts or I'm insecure" ~ Juice Wrld
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    chubbydumplingchubbydumpling Posts: 487 Listening Ear
    Hi @PianoGal0301 I'm so so glad that things worked out for you with your crush, and I'm sorry to hear that she's going through such a difficult time. 

    You're almost certainly not overreacting! Anyone else would react similarly in that situation; it's not easy feeling helpless to ease the suffering of others, especially those we care about. Just let her know that you're there to support her. It's good to hear that she's out of immediate danger, but do you know if she's going to be seeking help from a mental health professional? 

    When she's feeling like she has a better grasp on her mental health, I think it might be a good idea to let her know your concerns and just how frightening the experience was for you. Your feelings are valid too. 

    I hope you both recover soon <3

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