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New anxiety with exams

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1 Just got here
edited April 2021 in The Class of The Past
i was just wondering if anyone else was feeling anxious about exams? I feel like I can’t shake this feeling of something happening to me! 

Ive previously done my GCSE’s, A-levels and a degree and been fine with the exam stress. I’m now coming up to the end of a grad program that I’ve been on for three years and there’s only one exam left now and I’ve put so much in so far.

 It’s almost like the constant fear of something bad happening is taking over my life. I’ve never been an anxious person but over the last few months I feel like my mental health has deteriorated rapidly in the lead up to this test. 

I feel so isolated because i feel like I can’t tell people around me in case something does actually go wrong if that makes sense? Can anyone relate or am I just losing my mind 🙈

Rosie x 
Post edited by Emma_ on


  • Former MemberFormer Member Fruit loop Inactive Posts: 2,762 Boards Guru
    edited May 2019
    Hey Rosie, I felt the same with my recent exams but in the end I talked to some people I trusted, 

    It's best to let people know how you're feeling so they may be able to help, or at least offer some support x

    Can you talk to a lecturer?  If you're in a college/uni there may be a student services? They offer exam support, even just talking to a friend can help.

    It sounds to me when you say you won't tell people in case it goes wrong,  that you feel talking about your problems may jinx it,  And cause it to happen?  That's actually a common feeling and can be a very scary thing, while it's not proven,  it can feel very real in our heads and and we have to work on breaking the cycle but by bit,
     are you receiving any support with your mental health?  Do you have any tricks to help if you're feeling anxious?  X
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