Would you use social media to have your say in government policy?

#ConsoLab is an idea which the youth steering group has developed to help young people have a say in policy through a digital platform, using mostly social meida. For more information please see this thread here :)
What is #ConsoLab
- #ConsoLab is a
network of young people that volunteer to review policy consultation documents
to make them easier to understand by rewording questions for younger people.
- Once they publish the youth friendly version of the policy online, they would use social media platforms to get feedback from young people.
- You could then give your thoughts on a policy instantly using online polls and questions through Instagram stories (and other similar platforms) and see what others think (which side of the argument they are on).
- Here are some example screenshots of consultation questions
on Instagram.
What do you think of this idea as a way to feed into government policies?
Which social media platforms would you use for
If you would like give more feedback outside of this discussion then please fill in the survey here. Any questions, or if anythings not clear, just ask. @htwohig2412 is around to help out also
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts
who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their
stories are the real badasses.”
- Brene
“People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses.”
- Brene Brown
You've hit on a really interesting point that views aired by young people aren't always valued - that's exactly what we're hoping to change through this project. It's also interesting to hear that you feel as though views expressed on social media wouldn't be taken as seriously by the government - that's something we'll be sure to consider.
We're only in the early stages of designing ConsoLab and so we're open to suggestions. We felt that giving young people feedback (a notification when a policy is made from a consultation you completed) and offering some sort of incentive (vouchers/badges) would help encourage participation and show your views matter. To be honest we were just a little unsure about how that could happen on social, and we maybe need to think a bit more carefully on that. Anything that you think would make you feel as though you were being listened to?
Another great point. In these early stages nothing in place yet, but agree we need to look a little closer at how we can protect integrity of our results - thanks for flagging that. We spoke a lot around some of the concerns you've raised about people giving poor responses to simply get a reward - we definitely have to get the balance right so we're providing good quality data, not just lots of it.
We're doing some work with some government groups as part of the project so let's hope that puts us in a good position to get young voices heard! Really appreciate all of your feedback @Aidan, thank you! It's so important and useful to us.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts above. I just wanted to let you know that all your ideas have been taken on board, and you can read about the next steps in @htwohig2412's post.
We asked quite a few people over different channels (Instagram, Surveys, Chat, Discussion Boards) what they thought and wanted to share with you overall what young people thought of this idea.
Happy reading, and if you have any questions, let us know
“People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses.”
- Brene Brown