caring for you

Its not the best because im terrible at writing poems lol
Caring for you
Is one of the easiest
Yet hardest things
I will ever have to do
Sitting on the steps
Watching you like a hawk
Pacing up and down
Hoping your settle
Some point before The morning
Some days I see Smiles
Other days I see tears
Most days agitation
And your feeling of fear
Seeing you break down
Hearing your cries for your mum
It breaks my heart
That I can do nothing more
Than comfort you
Some days you love me
Other day you don’t
Someday you say I care
Other days I never have
Seeing you break down in tears
Seriously breaks my heart
Knowing there’s nothing I can do
Other than comfort you
And try and fill in that
Huge hole in your heart
Throwing things around
Throwing the pans and pot
The anger and frustration
The agitation and fear
Descend on you
Like a seagull on the pier
Holding you in a bear hug
Sobbing into my shoulder
You say your sorry for everything
That you’ve done
I know you don’t mean it
I know that isn’t you
It just breaks my heart
That I wish you could just
Go back to the Mum
That I used to know
We used to have fun
We used to have a laugh
trips to the seaside
trips to the park
Family parties
and meal out
baking together
swimming together
I miss those times
we used to spend together
I don’t know where you went
or what happened to you
every time I see a shooting star
i wish a pray that I get you back
some point soon
You have a real talent with writing, amazing, well done you