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Weekly Challenge #73

AoifeAoife Community Manager Posts: 3,151 Boards Guru
edited January 2023 in General Chat
Image result for musicHey everyone,

It's time for another weekly challenge! 

This week is the music playlist challenge. For this challenge you have to make a playlist and share it with everyone below. :) 

Hope you have fun!

If you're interested in getting involved in some of the fun things we have going on at The Mix such as suggesting a weekly challenge idea, posting up your own weekly challenge, or writing something for the newsletter, let us know over on this form.
Maybe somethings don't get better, but we do. We get stronger. We learn to live with our situations as messy and ugly as they are. We fix what we can and we adapt to what we can't. Maybe some of us will never fully be okay, but at least we're here. We're still trying. We're doing the best we can. That's worth celebrating too ❤

Weekly Challenge #73 3 votes

Bucket list challenge
100% 3 votes
Guess the Christmas ad challenge
0% 0 votes
Post edited by JustV on


  • LaineLaine Deactivated Posts: 2,762 Boards Guru
    Ooh I have so many playlists and my music tastes is all over the place so while this challenge should play right into my wheelhouse I'm lost on what to do 😂 I'll make a few YouTube ones 😂

    🌈Positive thoughts🌈

    "This is my family. I found it, all on my own.
    It's little, and Broken, but still good. Yeah. Still good." ~ Stitch

    "Lately, I've been struggling with all the simple things in my life" ~ Cian Ducrot

    "I don't know if it's because my heart hurts or I'm insecure" ~ Juice Wrld
  • *BananaMonkey**BananaMonkey* Posts: 5,462 Part of The Furniture
    I've got a few Spotify playlists.

    Love music :heart:
    " And everywhere I am, there you'll be, your love made me make it through, oh I owe so much to you "
    " So I say thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing, thanks for all the joy they're bringing, who can live without it, I ask in all honestly what would life be? Without a song or a dance, what are we? So I say thank you for the music, for giving it to me "
    '' It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling "
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