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About this forum (Politics & Debate)
Posts: 3,118 Boards Guru
Welcome to Politics & Debate!
This corner of The Mix is a place to exchange opinions on pretty much anything you have an opinion on. Whether it's politics, something you've seen in the news, or an issue that means a lot to you, this is the place to talk about it. There are a few things worth bearing in mind when posting:
Expect to be disagreed with
No two people will agree on absolutely everything. The point of starting a debate is to hear different views, so be prepared for others to disagree and show a different perspective.
Attack ideas, not people
Enthusiastic debate is one thing; personal attacks are another. Be civil and respectful, and channel any energy and passion you have for a subject into helping others understand your perspective.
Provide links and sources
Often, it's a news story that starts people of thinking about a particular issue. If that's the case with what you want to talk about, include a link so people can get up to speed with you quickly. And if you're providing a statistic or quoting someone, provide a source to back up what you're saying.
Debate covers pretty much everything
There's a huge variety of issues that can be covered by the idea of debate, not just things some people assume to be 'politics'. If what you want to talk about is something that matters to you and something you'd like other people to discuss as well, then it's worth making a thread about it.
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Head to Start Here, where you'll find some useful information about us and our main rules and guidelines.
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