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Positive area on the boards

TheMixTheMix Posts: 3,081 Boards Guru
Hey everyone,

A couple of week's ago we posted a thread asking you what you thought about having a positive area on the boards. The majority of you said you were keen for this type of space and as this space is yours, we'd like to make that happen. :) 

We have a few ideas of how this positive area could work and we'd like to hear what you think. We have the option to create sub-forums like the 'Creative' area in 'Travel & Free Time'. We could create this sub-forum in 'Anything Goes' or 'Travel and Free Time'. Another option is that we could create a positive tag, which would show up in the list of tags on the right hand side of the boards. You can click this tag and see all the positive threads. Or we could do both!

We've created a poll for you to vote on and let us know which option you'd prefer. We're also open to any other ideas so feel free to comment them below :) 

- Aife
We're @Aoife, @Ella, @Gemma, and @JustV - the staff team here at The Mix.

Our DMs are monitored Monday - Friday (10am - 5pm) with limited cover on weekends. We have a great team of moderators looking after the community outside of those hours to check in on any reported posts.

We're not able to provide support on this account. If you need support urgently for any reason, please call 999, go to your nearest A&E or contact Crisis Messenger by texting THEMIX to 85258.

Positive area on the boards 5 votes

Positive sub-forum
0% 0 votes
Positive tag
0% 0 votes
100% 5 votes
Meh, do whatever
0% 0 votes


  • TheMixTheMix Posts: 3,081 Boards Guru
    Hey everyone,

    There's still time to vote on this poll. We'll be closing it at the end of this week :) 

    - Aife
    We're @Aoife, @Ella, @Gemma, and @JustV - the staff team here at The Mix.

    Our DMs are monitored Monday - Friday (10am - 5pm) with limited cover on weekends. We have a great team of moderators looking after the community outside of those hours to check in on any reported posts.

    We're not able to provide support on this account. If you need support urgently for any reason, please call 999, go to your nearest A&E or contact Crisis Messenger by texting THEMIX to 85258.
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