In need of teen friends?

Hi guys,
i'm new to this site and am not used to expressing my feelings quite well. I have a friend who encouraged me to do this recently, as I just made her aware yesterday of how emotionally conflicted I am and what sort of thoughts circulate my head most times of the day. She was surprised to hear that someone as loud and bubbly as I am would be undergoing emotional stress right now. I am going through this continuous cycle of loneliness and feeling so out of touch with the world. It became so easy to think I could end it all, and every day thse have been my continuous thoughts. On the way back from a trip with friends I realized I need to hold on, even for just a little longer, because no matter what I don't want to let go of what could have been, if that makes sense. Eventually I got tired of trying to hold on and I finally realized that I need support from people going through the same things. I am only 15 but I know for certain this isn't a phase. I just really want to be able to get to know more people undergoing the same things and maybe we culd help each other out? I know it's strange but I've never needed anything more. Get in touch if you ever want to talk please.
P.S: Only around the same age group. Thank you
Sorry - im just replying to put bump your thread back up so more people see. I found it hiden a few posts down so dont think many have viewed
Sorry youre struggling. im 19 - dunno if youd consider that as same age group but can relate as im sure many others on here with your age can, in some way. And youre not alone in that sense. Hope you find support here
Sorry to hear you’re going through that. I’m also 15 and always here if you need a chat x
Everyone can go through hard times, bubbly or shy