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Post of the month - June

TheMixTheMix Posts: 3,160 Boards Guru
edited July 2018 in General Chat
Hey everyone,

It's time to vote for June's post of the month winner!

We didn't receive to many nominations last month, so remember to keep a look out for posts to nominate this month. You can nominate a post by flagging it, selecting Report, and then choosing 'Post of the Month nomination' as the reason. 

There's been some lovely support on the boards over the past few months which is so nice to see. Keep looking out for each other, your support means so much. :)

Here's the nominations:

1. @Eyepatch for their post in the thread 'Can't leave my house after accident three years ago and feeling depressed, alone and helpless'
Hello Abraxas,

You've been going though a tough time and its great that you have taken a step forward and posted about it here on the Mix. I see you are looking for ways to make yourself feel better but also have trouble concentrating, this can be a difficult issue to get around. Have you thought about getting a pet? A reptile requires little care and having an animal gives you a responsibility that stays on your mind. If your feeling up to it, maybe a dog could help you get out of the house, its understandable if an dog is to much right now, but a happy pet can help you feel less alone. 

A while a go I read this book called Reality is Broken, its all about video games, which might not be your cup of tea, but the writer, Jane McGonigal had a long term concussion and felt very depressed as a result. She talks about the experience in a Ted Talk you can find on youtube. Maybe her story will help as she recovered over time and now makes games that can improve peoples lives and wellbeing.

I hope you recover and please, please keep fighting.   

2. @Aidan for their post in the thread 'Abuse is too much'
Hey Shattered Secrets,

I'm sorry that you've been through abuse, it's something no one should be subject to because it still affects you in so many ways even after it's happened.

I feel really inexperienced and out of my depth when discussing abuse- something I'm sure I share with many other people- and maybe that's why help is particularly hard to get.

Do you know anyone else or talk to anyone else who's been through abuse? You could  find them and discuss ways in which they cope, try to get better etc.

I'm sorry I couldn't be much help, but I saw your post had no replies yet and felt that a reply would bump it up and get it seen more, maybe get you the help you deserve.

Best wishes,

3. @Invisible_me for their post in the thread 'Help eating?'

Hey @Ashleen.
Well done for posting on here and you don't need to apologise.

It's good that you went to the doctor and explained to them the difficulties you are having with eating and sleeping.  With sleeping there's like medication they can give you to help you sleep whereas for eating they can't really give anything-  Maybe that is why he said he can't do much about the eating?...
But overall did you find him helpful or understanding? You mention you've been dealing with your eating disorder foe months- are you getting any help for this?  Maybe, that is the reason for your not wanting to eat feeling. But also,  when we are worried we can find it hard to eat.   Try and eat little bits when you feel able to- I'm not saying meals juts something small... Even some fruit. 

Similarly, it can be hard to sleep when we are worried. You say your mind won't switch off- I'm wondering whether you are able to identify what's 'whirling around in your head's this normally happens when we are worried or stressed about something. If so,  Then maybe you might find it helpful to tackle these worries- write them down on a piece of paper and try to think of ways to tackle it or strategies. How does that sound? 

You night also find it helpful to have a 'wind down'eg: do something you enjoy before setting of to bed and boost your mood.      But saying that your mood and tiredness are all some of the effects of your less sleep and less food.   

I would say go to your doctor again, If your still finding things hard there will be things they can do is suggest to help.

Take care 
In-me x

Post of the month - June 12 votes

25% 3 votes
33% 4 votes
41% 5 votes


  • TheMixTheMix Posts: 3,160 Boards Guru
    Congratulations @Invisible_me you are June's post of the month winner! 

    Well done to all the nominees too @Eyepatch and @Aidan! Thank you for all of your lovely support!

    - Aife
  • Invisible_meInvisible_me Posts: 216 Trailblazer
    Hey. I am so sorry, I have only seen this now. again like Aidan I knew I was nominated. Thanks everyone!
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