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Angry with the world

Sholay09Sholay09 Posts: 131 The Mix Convert
Hello my name is Shola and I am feeling quite angry with this world right now because of people still treating me and other younger adults as children when they should not as everyone should understand that 18 is the age we finally become adults and should always be allowed to do everything we want like go on dating sites, drink, gamble, vote and do most other things no matter what our maturity levels are as I am sick of everyone thinking about maturity all of the time and saying negative things about people being immature and making mistakes sometimes when we should all be allowed to behave immaturely and to make our own mistakes and also be allowed to make our own choices about our lives and what we do too. I am now 20 years old and I really hate people telling me what to do and trying to control my life when it is so wrong because I am now an adult.


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 64 Boards Initiate
    Hey Shola,

    It's understandable that you feel frustrated with being told what to do and generally being treated like a child. You'll find a lot of other young people feel same way as you do and so you're not alone.

    Although turning 18 legally makes you an adult, some people much older people have may difficulty in seeing this, so unfortunately it's just another one of those things to deal with as young person. However if you ever feel you're being treated unfairly or being belittled, then perhaps you could have a chat and tell them how you feel? It's may feel better to get things off your chest then bottle it in, how does that sound?


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