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Film club week 5: VOTE FOR TYPE OF GENRE Saturday 24th June

louisa982louisa982 Posts: 294 The Mix Regular
edited January 2023 in General Chat
Hey guys

The time has come to vote for the type of genre you would like again!!

Any questions feel free to ask! So without further a do, here is next weeks poll for genre of film :) Once you have selected a genre- feel free to comment or message me your suggestions of actual films. If there is a tie between genres i will go with the genre that has the most films suggested in the comments

This poll will close Tuesday 11am
thanks guys!!

Louisa xx

Film club week 5: VOTE FOR TYPE OF GENRE Saturday 24th June 5 votes

True story/ real life story
20% 1 vote
20% 1 vote
0% 0 votes
20% 1 vote
Rom com
0% 0 votes
Family film
40% 2 votes
Post edited by JustV on
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