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Sex with new partner vs a long term partner

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
As some of you may know this month’s topic sexual satisfaction. Today wanted to get some opinions on sex with a new partner vs sex with a long term partner.
‘Research suggests that ongoing relationships will lead to orgasm more than hook-ups or causal relationships will, because the partners have more practice with each other (Waite and Joyner, 2001).’

There is an interesting :chin: Guardian article on why sex is better in a long relationship? ( It goes into quite a lot detail :naughty:)

What’s surprising for me is how this is the polar opposite of the popular belief that after your married sex goes downhill and you end up having to schedule it in the diary on a fortnightly basis. Some scientist’s suggest the cause for this correlation is due the fact long term intimacy creates more openness and an ability to talk about personal topics which research has confirmed leads to greater sexual enjoyment for individuals and couples alike.
My question too you is “ when do you find sex the most satisfying?

Sex with new partner vs a long term partner 4 votes

1st month
25% 1 vote
6th months
50% 2 votes
after a year
0% 0 votes
It's the same
25% 1 vote
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