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Social Media & Relationships: Is it a good idea?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi guys,

I'm currently in my last year of university, which most people would know involves a dissertation which usually ranges between 7,000 and 10,000 words (long I know :()

My topic is actually on influential factors social media has on relationships, so many articles have outlined how social media affects relationships and how it has resorted to the termination of many romantic relationships.

Have you ever been in a relationship and felt like you can't post something because of your significant other? Or has Facebook, for example been the root to all your arguments? I think most of us have experienced this or seen it happen with our very own eyes :crazyeyes and I'm really intrigued to know what you guys think of this?

So what are your thoughts, is it a good idea to have our partner on social media? (Facebook, Twitter etc) Or are people taking this waay too seriously? :chin: :confused:

Here's an article to give you more of an outline on the topic

Fill me in! :d

Social Media & Relationships: Is it a good idea? 7 votes

Of Course
71% 5 votes
No, too cringe
14% 1 vote
Depends on the person
14% 1 vote
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