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If you could send a letter to a younger You...

One-in-a-millionOne-in-a-million Posts: 606 Incredible Poster
If you could write a letter and send it back in time to a younger you, what age would you pick and what would you say? I got this idea from this song by Brad paisley
https://youtu.be/Mfr6Yxn17Vs (Please don’t judge my taste in music 😂)

This is mine
So for me I would pick 16 and would tell myself to speak out about being sexually bullied and harassed. I would say that there are people whi want to support you and you won’t always feel the way you do.

I would say that you are stronger than what you think and to ignore all those telling you that you will never amount to anything. I would tell my younger self to reach for the stars and always give things ago. I would say not to worry that I didn’t get the grade I wanted in my GCSES because I get another chance and that I will achieve the things I wanted to. I’d tell myself that it’s better to try and fail than to not try at all. I would tell myself that I am loved by my family and that I am needed in the world and despite the fact your having thoughts about ending my life that I will push through it and carry on.

Lastly I would tell myself that these are the things to remember and that I should share these things with others to help them carry on if they feel down.


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 74 Budding Regular
    Hi One-in-a-million,

    I think a lot of people think about this. I certainly have at many different times, thanks for sharing your letter, its a brave thing to do.
    It sounds like you went through a really tough time, and its so good you can look back on it and tell yourself these really positive things.
    Remember when times are tough there are people around that could help, be it your family, or us here on the discussion boards, or charities like
    https://www.mind.org.uk/ and https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help-you

    The last point you've made is so positive, those are things to remember, but sometimes we all forget and that's also okay, we might just need reminding. Sharing is also really important, and just talking to people about your feelings - when you feel ready - can be so helpful.

    You sound positive about the future, what are you working towards?


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,171 Wise Owl
    Hey One-in-a-million

    What a brilliant idea! Thanks for sharing. I would 100% go back to my school days and say 'be a little kinder to yourself'. My self confidence is shaky at the best of times, even now, but I was a self-deprecating wreck through school. I really took negative comments/criticisms to heart and thought over them much more than I took in compliments. I would say, find a balance - listen to grow, but also don't take too much to heart. Life's too short.

    'Treat yourself as you would treat a good friend'. :heart:

    - Lucy :rainbow:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 3,590 Community Veteran
    I've often thought about this! i think i would go back to when i was 11, thats when my mental health started to decline. I would tell myself not to listen to the voices or the bullys, i would tell myself not to make that first cut, or not to skip that meal. If i knew then what i know now maybe i still wouldn't be stuck in the same mindset, using unhealthy coping mechanisms. if i could show my younger self what i've turned out to be like maybe it would of deferred me away from it, who knows. But saying that, i think the most important thing to tell my younger self is to hold on, and that the journey is worthwhile, Cause even though i wish i hadnt gone through what i have, i've met some amazing people along the way, and i've gained so much insight into mental health and the body.
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