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It’s just not me

One-in-a-millionOne-in-a-million Posts: 606 Incredible Poster
Idk what is going on lately I’ve been feeling really irritated easily. I can be fine one min and then the next I wanna scream at someone or cry.

I’ve also had some more epileptic seizures I am awear while having one but it’s just so awkward especially as these ones felt more intense. I have tried getting in touch with the hospital but so far I haven’t been able to (I’m at work so only get chance at dinner and a short period after work) they don’t open the department on weekends.

I’m questioning myself at my job just lately. I’ve been there 2 years coming up for 3 and I work 1-2-1 with children with additional needs. But this time idk if I’m coping. I’ve always had positive feedback with outside agencies and my manager. Don’t want to sound big headed but I have been told by these agencies (professionals in area of the childs needs) that I’m the best 1-2-1 they have worked with. I’ve only been back for a few months and I love my job but I feel like I’m failing this time.

I can only think that before going back to work I had the implant and it could be effecting my mood. Or maybe it’s not but idk and I know that people on here can’t say either.

I’ also been feeling unwell lately throwing up and having migraines (I haven’t had one in ages before this) but they aren’t as intense as before thankfully.

I’ve experienced other things I’m not to sure on such as feeling cold a lot particularly hands and feet. And shaky hands now and then.

I’m thinking about seeing my Gp but it’s nearly impossible to get an appointment with my doctors especially if you can’t tell the receptionist what’s wrong.

I know they don’t have know but it seems you get a better chance of seeing someone if you do. But if they did ask what do I tell them as I don’t even know what’s going on myself. It may be nothing but idk.

I don’t even know if this post makes sense of is just a bunch of sentences.

Before anyone asks it is impossible for me to be pregnant not because of the implant but because I’ve never had sex.


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 3,590 Community Veteran
    I'm sorry things are so tough just now. Have you tried seeing if you get get a phone appointment during your free time? So chuffed to hear you're getting positive feedback, that's gotta mean you're doing well! :) i know the implant can effect moods, that's why many people are iffy about it, but could you try talk to the nurse about it? Normally if there's any side effects you should let them know so they can help. My gp told me if I need an urgent appointment I've to phone up and tell the receptionist it's personal, they can't ask any questions and try to fit you in quickly, maybe it's worth a try? Hope things start picking up soon, and let me know how you get on :)*hug*
  • Former MemberFormer Member Newbie Inactive Posts: 4 Newbie

    Thank you for sharing. It seems like a very difficult situation to be in and you’ve done really well to look for some support. It sounds very frustrating that you haven’t been able to get an appointment with your GP. I’m sorry you have been feeling unwell.

    There is an organisation called Bupa. They provide medical and health care information. On their website, you can find different helpline numbers and emails that could give you a health assessment. You can check out their website at https://www.bupa.co.uk.

    Another health organisation is called NetDoctor. They do not have a helpline, but they have a website that provides information on a wide range of health issues. You can visit them at http://www.netdoctor.co.uk.

    You mentioned that you are questioning yourself at your job lately. That seems very frustrating for you. If you want some advice or someone to talk to about your job, there is an organisation called National Careers Service. They provide free advice on education, skills, and career choices. You can call their helpline at 0800 100 900 or visit their website at https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk.

    Also, feel free to contact our helpline at The Mix. We offer free emotional support and will listen to anything going on with you. You can call us at 0808 808 4994.
    I hope things start getting better and that you start feeling well! Do you think you will get in touch with these organisations?

  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 22 Boards Initiate

    @One-in-a-million heya!

    I know how you feel, I felt frustrated and angry/upset in the past. I went to see my GP when I was about 15 and was able to have a consultation with a counsellor to discuss how I was feeling. This massively helped me come to terms with what the heck was going on with me! (in my case I was suffering from mental health issues- namely anxiety).

    I think that you should continue to persevere with arranging to see your GP, especially considering how much you are struggling. It sounds as if your struggles are both emotional and physical. Start by explaining the physical things you are going through recently: the nausea, headaches, the coldness and the epileptic seizures. Then, when you feel more comfortable, try and discuss the range of emotions you have been going through: the irritability, anger and upset, which can be harder to talk about.

    It's so lovely to hear how great you're getting on with your job, working with children with special needs is a very admirable and it sounds like you enjoy it a lot too. I doubt very much that you're failing, considering how well you've been doing! Try and get yourself better and thinking more positively and then I'm sure you'll realise that you're actually doing great at your job still!

    In summary, do try and get help from a doctor or from any of the other listings given by Allyson!

    We all struggle at times and it is more than okay to ask for help <3

  • One-in-a-millionOne-in-a-million Posts: 606 Incredible Poster
    Hey guys sorry for late reply. I’ve in a good mood just lately so I’m starting to wonder if it’s stress as we had a lot on at Work so it could have something to do with that. I’m still trying get into doctor but woth no hope so far 🙄

    Just abit layed up with a cold now lol oh the joys. Since I’m feeling better now I’m starting to think about if I should still try get in the doctors or would I be wasting their time?

    Thank for all the advice guys :)
  • One-in-a-millionOne-in-a-million Posts: 606 Incredible Poster
    Also thinking about it I’m wondering if someof it was to do with my friend. She has just lost her grandad but wants to see me alot which is a bit of a struggle sometimes. I lost my nan in February so emotions can still be a bit raw. But also woth the amount she has wanted to meet up (which I do enjoy once I’m there) it can kinda be a bit of a tight squeeze in my day from finishing work, doing paperwork and seeing my friend.

    Lastly looking at it I haven’t slept enough really

    I suppose these have most likely played a part
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