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Whats going on with me atm
Former Member
Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
I'm so freaking annoyed!! You can see steam coming out of my brain! I complained about my CPN at CAMHS last Wednesday the day that she was meant to come out to see me and I was told by the receptionist she would pass my complain onto the team and that I want to change CPN and to phone back Friday if I hadnt heard anything which I hadnt so I rang back and the manager was in a meeting so she phoned me back, I explained to her why I feel unsupported by the CPN and I got very upset the manager got the duty worker to call me later on that day (Friday) to do a welfare check! So the manager said leave it with her and she will be in touch on Tuesday this week (she hadnt sorted it by then so she has rang back today). I find The CPN (lets call her The CPN as shes no longer my CPN) uncaring and unsupportive. The CPN said from her point of view everything is running smoothly (everyone else in my care team ie support worker and counsellor disagrees including me) so the CPN changed the gap I am meant to see her a week, I meant to see her every 3weeks and she changed it to every 4weeks and I think that is too long without seeing anyone. Also I was meant to see her last Wednesday (she was meant to come to where I live) she called the day before she just said I wont be coming out to see you and that made me shocked so I was rambling and raging at her and she did offer for me to go there but I had no-one to come with, had no money for taxis and dont feel comfortable with her now and this was also the day she found out I didnt want her to be my CPN anymore. So the manager has phoned me back this afternoon and they have changed my CPN but you never guess who to a freaking man! They know what happened to me so they should know I dont work 121 with men! I'm furious! I dont want to phone back and speak with the managaer again as I feel I am being a nusiance on one hand but on the other hand that they should have known! My support worker said she will phone them tomorrow but I wish she would phone now as we are delaying things now. I hate being disorganised and not knowing whats going on! To complicate things evan more I have a med review Monday and no-one to sit in with me! I dont know if I want my support worker to come in with me as she hasent really been interested in whats been going on with me as I was away for 2weeks and then she has been away for 2 weeks so I also find her unsupportive! I am waiting for a support worker from MIND and my gp has recieved the request for the 3rd party info now I am just waiting for them to send it back to MIND!
PS is anyone on PIP on here? I think I am filling out the form in the morning, any pointers to get the best possible scenorio would be appreciated! I deffo dont wana have to go to a tribunal! It would make me more suucidal :S
PS is anyone on PIP on here? I think I am filling out the form in the morning, any pointers to get the best possible scenorio would be appreciated! I deffo dont wana have to go to a tribunal! It would make me more suucidal :S
That all sounds really frustrating to deal with I'm sorry you're having to cope with all that. Did your support worker manage to get in touch with them today? Here's hoping it all gets sorted out for you okay so you don't have to worry about it.
You also said you don't want your support worker with you for your medication review, is there anyone else you can ask to come with you? It can be scary having to go through stuff like that on your own so it's understandable why you'd want someone with you.
As for your PIP you might find it helpful to look through the Citizens Advice Bureau website https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/ to try and get a better understanding of it all, they have a lot of great resources there.
Best of luck!
- Riley
No, theres no-one else that can come with me. I dont know what my support worker thinks I dont know if she has persumed if she is/isnt coming with me..infact I have just asked her..
Bloody useless women though this morning ! I thought she had the PIP form but she thought I had it so we wernt able to fill it out this morning but I have made the inital call this afternoon to get the form so it will be sent out in the next 2weeks! I have read through CABS site, thanks. I will keep the tab open so we can use it as a draft for when we recieve the form.