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Loud music

LostsenseLostsense Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
Its not evan next door its a couple of houses down. They are playing really loud music, its been happening since this afternoon until now and carrying on. It happened a week or so aswell and I knocked on there door to ask them to turn it down and they didnt. I cant pissing phone 101 because you need credit! I cant phone 999 because they will say its not a 999 call. My support worker says they can play really loud music like this untill 11pm but I know thats not true because when I had my first flat I phoned 101 for the same problem and the police came out several times and it was about 6:30pm. Its causing a nusiance and I live in supported accomodation with us who have mental health issues and a couple of the women are sensitive to really loud music. I just think its really inconsiderate and bloody annoying! And its the fact its not evan next door! What can I do?!


  • Past UserPast User Posts: 976 Part of The Mix Family
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • LostsenseLostsense Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    One of the other ladys partners phoned 101 and the police are coming out
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