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Mri scan

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
Has anyone had an MRI scan before? what is it like? will I be able hold someones hand while its being done?


  • Past UserPast User Posts: 976 Part of The Mix Family
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    The mri scan is on my head, oh no I want to hold my support workers hand :'( it says on the letter that I will wear headphone too
  • JellyelephantJellyelephant Inactive Posts: 1,908 Extreme Poster
    I have had an MRI of my back done before - I had to lie down and be slid into the tunnel like machine. It sounds very loud and weird but you just lie there really. It's not bad at all. You don;t have anyone in the room with you though so you won't be able to hold your support workers hand as mine had to wait outside.
    The sun will rise and we will try again 
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Oh no evan if I explain to them about my past and show them a piece of paper signed by a police officer that I need a female in the room? to hold my hand to keep me grounded. Is it the tunel that moves around?
  • JellyelephantJellyelephant Inactive Posts: 1,908 Extreme Poster
    I can't say for sure but the usual procedure would be that you don't have anyone in the room. You would have to ring up and ask about your specific circumstances I just know that my support worker was not allowed in the room with me. The tunnel doesn''t move around it is still - you lie down on something that slides into the tunnel.
    The sun will rise and we will try again 
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 976 Part of The Mix Family
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Thats a good idea
  • One-in-a-millionOne-in-a-million Posts: 606 Incredible Poster
    Hi lostsense long time no speak.
    I can understand you being nervous because I was too. I've also had one on my head.
    You go into a tunnel about half wayish
    And just need to lie as still as possible.

    I don't think anyone is allowed to go with you. I know my mum didn't but that's because I just went in on my own anyway. I know inside the tunnel was a mirror which allowed me to see outside (cant remember iF I could see in front of me or behind me lol.

    You could ask the nurse to keep talking you through what's going on or see if your support worker is allowed to talk to you like it has been suggested.

    I know I could speak to them through a microphone too and While I can't remember properly I'm about 60% sure I was given a panic button.

    When do you go?
  • One-in-a-millionOne-in-a-million Posts: 606 Incredible Poster
    Also I remember you telling me about taking something to a counselling session with you to help with the anxiety. As long as it doesn't contain metal how about asking if you can have it with you (hold onto it) while having the scan?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Hi OIAM 😁

    Can I ask why you had one on your head and you horsemad?

    I hate lying on beds brings back so many painful memories😬

    Ah okay, maybe I'm just going to have to accept that my support worker will have to wait outside.

    I will ask what has been suggested and thankyou for all the info guys 🌸

    OIAM was meant to be in a couple of weeks but it was an evening appointment and my support worker only works 8am-12middday so I have asked for a AM appointment which they will send through the post to me.

    Good remembering I do, its a little pebble I have. I will hold onto that 💕

    Thankyou Horsemad xxx
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    I have just had this done but they said theres no doctors (typically the NHS ey!) So my results will take 6-8 weeks to come back. I was only under the tunel for less than 5minutes..I thought I would have been under there longer..I'm worrying it didnt work because the man wanted me to take my tragus out and I never have took it out since I had it done so I couldnt 🤔
  • JustVJustV Inactive Posts: 5,640 Part of The Furniture
    Really glad it went well Lostsense, or at least was shorter than you were expecting! I don't know much about MRIs and piercings, but after a quick Google I found a Reddit thread with some (unverified) answers:
    Quality body jewelry shouldn't be ferromagnetic. Even most junk jewelry shouldn't be. Most techs are going to be strict about it either because they don't know better or they don't trust the people they're talking to to know better.

    If you know what the material is, let the folks doing the MRI know and that those two aren't removable. As long as it's not somehow blocking what they're trying to image, shouldn't be a big deal.

    Basically, unless your piercing is magnetic it shouldn't have caused any issues. Asking you to remove it sounds like more of a precaution than anything else. :)

    As a side note, I love your new avatar!
    All behaviour is a need trying to be met.
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lostsense wrote: »
    Oh no evan if I explain to them about my past and show them a piece of paper signed by a police officer that I need a female in the room? to hold my hand to keep me grounded. Is it the tunel that moves around?


    The tunnel doesn't move around, it stays still. And maybe you would be able to hold someone's hand if you stay still and the person's hand does as well, but you would have to check to see. Depending on where you're having the scan, because if it is in the abdomen, you may have to do some breathing techniques so they can see clearer (it would just be breathing in really deeply, and holding your breath), so if you have any problems with that, and want to do your own breathing exercises, then talk to them.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl

    I already had it done thanks 😁 I had it done 6weeks ago today (WOW) and they said maximum 8weeks so I will leave it to the maximum time they said and then I will be in touch with them! (It was of my head)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lostsense wrote: »

    I already had it done thanks 😁 I had it done 6weeks ago today (WOW) and they said maximum 8weeks so I will leave it to the maximum time they said and then I will be in touch with them! (It was of my head)

    Well done for doing that!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Thank you
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