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Rape and me. I took him to court and I won

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
[Note from Mods: Just a little note to say that LostSense has been incredibly brave to share her story with us. Us Mods have edited this a little but, it does still contain details that some people may find upsetting ]

I thought I would share my story as well on here as it might help me at the moment because I don't really like Sunday nights and Monday nights. It might help others too. I was 20 when it happened (I'm 22 next month) and he was 23 when he raped me. This may be long so thankyou for reading.

My rape happened in a hostel I was living in I was there for a week and a half before I moved out because of the rape. In the week and a half I lived there I got to know this guy he would say things to me like "you got beautiful eyes" and "gorgeous" he made me believe I was special and because of that I was falling in love with him STUPID I NOW KNOW I WAS.

In July in 2015 this guy got kicked out of the hostel for the night (I wasn't aware until the morning) for giving a person a pill which was some sort of drug. So silly me was wondering where he was that night..I was actually in tears, missing him. STUPID I AM I KNOW. I didn't sleep, I was up all night wondering where he was (so thats why I dont like sunday nights)

The next Monday I was sat in the communal room and he came in and explained the reason why he hadent been in the hostel overnight and then he went to sleep so I didn't see him again untill about 4pm where he approached me and said he wanted to give me a massage I said no. So I went to my room and heard him talking to girls in the outside area in the garden. It was making me jelous STUPID I KNOW I self harmed and cried. I then went for a shower and came back to my room MY LIGHT WAS ON (this is important for later on) and I fell asleep for a few hours in my undies as I could only be bothered to part get ready after the shower and put a long cardy on top SO IT DOSENT MATTER WHAT YOU'RE WEARING.

I was woken up by this guy at about 8:20pm knocking on my door and he asked if we could have cuddles so I let him into my room JUST IF I WOULDN'T OF LET HIM IN I WOULDN'T OF BEEN RAPED! we cuddled and kissed and then he got up and closed my window and blinds and took his clothes of I said WHAT ARE YOU DOING and he got onto my bed and pinned me down [Content Removed]. Still to this day I bleed because I haven't been checked over because I'm too embarrassed. He got him self changed and told me to keep it our dirty little secret and switched my light off (so he left me in the dark) so now to sleep I always have to have a lamp on.

Only at court when we all saw the CCTV I realised he bought a bag into my room and then after he left my room he went for a shower we saw on the CCTV footage of the hostel ON MY LANDING the court thought he pre-planned to come to my room and rape me because he bought his shower stuff in a bag to my room. I was left in my room in the dark felt numb, disgusting, ashamed. I just cried and sat on the floor hurting myself banging my head on the wall WHY ME?. I then went for a shower because I needed to get him off me and back to my room. I changed undies and put clothes on.

I became the fighter then and went banging on othe doors and like moving my hand up to the cameras as in *come here* hoping a staff member would see and come up to me or I would get another resident to go and get a staff member. I had no luck so I very slowly walked down the stairs and I stood at the bottom of the stairs for ages THAT was seen on the CCTV footage too. I was too scared and frightened of seeing him again.

Eventually a man opened the door to go upstairs so I thought here's my chance so I asked him to ask a staff member to come and see *my name* later on when I saw the CCTV footage in court the guy who raped me heard this so he ran into his room. When I asked this man to ask a staff member to come and see me I ran up to my room and a staff member followed me into my room we sat on the edge of my bed, I was crying, she held my hand (the staff member) and I told her I was raped.

I was so frightened to go downstairs but she held my hand and took me into the office where another staff member was and they asked if I wanted to report him I said YES not a doubt in my mind. It was then a waiting game for the police first of they came for him now this was probably about 10:00pm and they took him away in handcuffs. Then I waited for specialist police to come for me and they came about an hour later. They told me they had to get all my bedding and what I was wearing they wanted me to go back up to my room and show them but I didnt want to so I described my undies and cardy.

The police then took me to the police station and I done a statement and the other stuff, a urine test ect. I remember being so frightened because he was at that police station too. I also remember being so thirsty but they wouldn't let me have a drink for hours. This was like midnight now they took me to a SARC where I had my rape kit done. THAT WAS LIKE SO TRAUMATIC. I cried all the way through it. I held the crisis workers hand so tight I wouldn't let her go at this point I found out about my injurys and they gave me pads because I was bleeding so much.

They then took me back to the hostel. I got back at 4am. Thats why I HATE HATE MONDAY NIGHTS At this point all my dignity and self worth was gone. I had been touched where I didn't want to be and put through things I didn't want to be put through. I didn't sleep and was just frozen on the settee in the communal room. I didn't go to bed. On Tuesday the 14th of July 2015 I was told the police were coming for me to do the ABE INTERVIEW my support worker from the hostel came with me for this.

In July 2015 I had the police round again at the hostel that I had to sign papers to say I wouldn't disscuss anything online as now it was a criminal investigation or they would seize my phone later that day I was also told he was remanded. Later in July I moved into a different hostel. Then my part was over for abit. At his plea he pleaded not guilty so it was took to crown court where the cps decided there was enough evidence so it went to trial. I did my pre-trail visit in November 2015 and the trial started In December 2015 it lasted 5days and I gave evidence on one of those days where I had a screen. I still went to the 4th and 5th day as I wanted to hear the verdict we waited long time for this as there were other cases going on between mine aswell we finally got called in. I was shaking and already started crying.

The judge asked the jury have you reached a verdict and they said YES and I just put my head onto the police lady's lap and couldn't hear what they said all I heard was not guilty but once I calmed down the police lady told me it was guilty on count 1 (vaginal sex) but not guilty on count 2 (attempted anal sex) I didnt know what to think then. I was just happy that it was a guilty. He was then sentanced in February 2016 to 9years but 4years and 6months in prision and 4years and 6months on licence. Because he was remanded time was took of the time in prision so he gets out in January 2020 and also sign the sex offenders register for life (which is 15years now and then they've got to re-apply).

I litcherally wanted to thank the jury but the police lady told me not to. I could litcherally of gave them all flowers for believing me and not his lies.
So that's it. A couple of things I've only touched bass on so if you want to know anything or talk about anything I don't mind you messaging me. I can help you💜💙


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Why have you made them to paragraphs?
  • SienaSiena Posts: 15,758 Skive's The Limit
    I agree with Mica. Youre very strong to have reported and to have gone through this. Aand far from stupid! It is very hard to read but thank you for sharing.
    “And when they look at you, they won't see everything you've been through. They won't see the **** that turned to scars that began to fade with time. They won't see the heartbreaking things that shook up and changed your entire world. They won't know how many tears you cried or even what it was you were crying about. They won't see how strong you had to be because you had no other choice. What they will see though is how compassionate you are because you experienced pain. What they will see is how kind you are because you experienced how cruel the world is. What they will see is how good you are because you've seen how bad things or people can be. The difference between you and your experiences are who you choose to be, despite everything that could have turned you cold and unkind.You are the good the world needs and the best of us.” ~ Kirsten Corley
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
  • One-in-a-millionOne-in-a-million Posts: 606 Incredible Poster
    Lostsense I hope you know how incredibley brave you are. It's not easy to talk about these things but I think you are an amazing person and you're so strong to be able to talk about this.

    I'm so happy that you won the case and I know just how supportive you with everyone

    I hope you're doing well :)

  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Thanks OIAM Means a lot 💗 xx
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    I guess I just made no breaks because I didn't really have a break in writing it. I did it all in one breath. So that's how it came with no breaks, my writing style but it's fine you can leave it with breaks.
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